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A Modeling Framework for Scenario-Based Testing[presentation]

Scenario-based testing is a powerful method for finding problems that really matter to users and other stakeholders.

Fiona Charles, Quality Intelligence Inc.
STARWEST 2008: Quality Metrics for Testers: Evaluating Our Products, Evaluating Ourselves[presentation]

As testers, we focus our efforts on measuring the quality of our organization's products.

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Database Locking: What Testers Should Know, Why Testers Should Care[presentation]

Database locking is a complicated technical issue for some testers.

Justin Callison, Peak Performance Technologies
STARWEST 2008: Automating Security Testing with cUrl and Perl[presentation]

Although all teams want to test their applications for security, our plates are already full with functional tests. What if we could automate those security tests?

Paco Hope, Cigital
Lessons Learned in Acceptance Test-Driven Development[presentation]

Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD), an application of the test-first practice of XP and agile development, can add enormous value to agile teams that are proficient in these practices.

Antony Marcano, Testing Reflections
Truths and Myths of Static Analysis[presentation]

Identifying defects with static analysis tools has advanced significantly in the last few years.

Paul Anderson, GrammaTech, Inc.
Toward an Exploratory Testing Culture[presentation]

Traditional testing teams often agonize over exploratory testing. How can they plan and design tests without detailed up-front documentation? Stubborn testers may want to quit because they are being asked to move out of their comfort zone.

Robert Sabourin, Inc
Adding Measurement to Reviews[presentation]

Conceptually, most testers and developers agree that reviews and inspections of software designs and code can improve software and reduce development costs.

Riley Rice, Booz Allen Hamilton
Life as a Performance Tester[presentation]

At the core of most performance testing challenges and failed performance testing projects are serious misunderstandings and miscommunications within the project team.

Scott Barber, PerfTestPlus, Inc.
Are Agile Testers Different?[presentation]

On an agile team everyone tests, blurring the lines between the roles of professional developers and testers. What's so special about becoming an agile test professional? Do you need different skills than testers on traditional projects?

Lisa Crispin, ePlan Services, Inc.
Acceptable Acceptance Testing[presentation]

This is the tale of a team of software professionals at Microsoft patterns & practices group who wrote a book on software acceptance testing. Grigori Melnik was the content owner, writer, and project manager.

Grigori Melnik, Microsoft Corporation
The Three Faces of Quality: Control, Assurance, Analysis[presentation]

Many of the misunderstandings within software development organizations can trace their roots to different interpretations of the role of testers.

Stephen Michaud, Luxoft Canada
Test Management for Very Large Programs: A Survival Kit[presentation]

In large organizations with multiple, simultaneous, and related projects, how do you coordinate testing efforts for better utilization and higher quality?

Graham Thomas, Independent Consultant
STARWEST 2008: Performance Engineering: More Than Just Load Testing[presentation]

Performance testing that is done once or a few times as part of the system test is not the right approach for many systems that must change and grow for years.

Rex Black, QA Software Consultant/Trainer
Driving Development with Tests: ATDD and TDD[presentation]

A perennial wish of testers is to participate early in the projects we test-as early as when the requirements are being developed. We also often wish for developers to do a better job unit testing their programs.

Elisabeth Hendrickson, Quality Tree Software, Inc.


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