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"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" - Empowering the Agile Team[presentation] Managers at many levels are often afraid to let go of the reins for fear of losing control of the project (and their position of power). V. |
V. Lee Henson, VersionOne, Inc.
Assessing Your Agility[presentation] Are you curious how "agile" your organization is? Do you wonder how you compare with other organizations that have been using agile for a similar amount of time? |
Mike Cohn, Mountain Goat Software
Test-Driven Development Takes On Embedded Software[presentation] Embedded software developers face the same challenges as other software developers-unpredictable schedules, poor quality, and the problems that follow. |
James Grenning, Renaissance Software Consulting, Co.
Agile Development Practices 2008: Making People and Processes Congruent[presentation] Agile processes work better if developers and customers have specific aptitudes and attitudes, such as the ability and willingness to handle rapid change. |
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Agile Development Practices 2008: When to Step Up, When to Step Back: How to Lead Collaboration[presentation] Leaders can stifle progress when they interfere with team processes. But as a leader, you don't want an on-track project to go over the cliff and deliver the wrong results either. |
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Selling Agile: Getting Buy-in from Your Team, Customers, and Managers[presentation] Are you excited by the potential of agile software development, but find that your colleagues are a bit reticent? Is your whole team ready to dive in, but your business partner is only interested in dipping in their big toe-if that? |
Michele Sliger, Sliger Consulting, Inc.
Beware of Your Brain[presentation] Cognitive scientists tell us that we are more productive and happier when our behavior matches our brain's hardwiring-when what we do and why we do it matches the way we have evolved to survive over tens of thousands of years. |
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Scaling Agile: Kanban and Beyond...[presentation] Agile software development has been around for almost ten years. Some believe lean is the next step in our evolution. How do agile and lean play together, and what does the lean influence mean for the future of agile? |
David Anderson, Modus Cooperandi, Inc.
Collaborative Leadership: A Secret to Agile Success[presentation] When members of a development project are asked to become a self-directed agile team, some claim that leadership and leaders are obsolete. Or, is a different type of leadership exactly what agile teams need to truly flourish? |
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Beyond Best Practices: Keeping Agile Agile[presentation] Adopting "best practices" seems to be an intrinsic part of the transition to agile-with many organizations creating special process teams and hiring methodology consultants to implement and enforce best practices. |
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Do the Right Thing: Adapting Requirements Practices for Agile Projects[presentation] Some agile teams rely on user stories alone to articulate requirements, struggle with requirements rework on large agile projects, and spend too much time thrashing on requirements during iterations. |
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Behavior-Driven Database Design[presentation] Agile methods focus on creating executable code quickly and with fewer defects. But what about the database? The database is "the" component of the application that is thought to be the least agile and often excluded from agile development. |
Pramod Sadalage, ThoughtWorks Inc
Value Stream Mapping - Extending Our View to the Enterprise[presentation] What if the process improvements you are trying to make are not where your real problems lie? Assuming where your problems are is often the biggest problem. |
Alan Shalloway, Net Objectives
Secrets of CMMI for Agile Organizations[presentation] Are you convinced that agile development methods and process improvement methods such as CMMI® don't go together? Have you been the victim of a ton of process overhead dropped on your head? It doesn't have to be that way. |
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Agile Project Metrics[presentation] Agile projects and traditional projects are tracked differently. The key difference is that agile projects track outcomes; traditional projects track activities. |
David Nicolette, Valtech Technologies