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Heurists of the World Unite! Merging Agile Methods in Software and Interaction Design[article]

Software development is seen as chronically chaotic and complex to the extent that project management can achieve little control over projects or outcome [1, 2]. Recently, we have come into a new era of hope; hope of getting people - real people, users, both naïve and sophisticated - more involved with, more relevant to, and more visible in software development.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
How to Make Agile Reviews Effective[article]

In some organizations, reviews are a valuable aspect of the software lifecycle. In others, they are a necessary evil tainted with political bureaucracy and big egos. Suboptimal reviews conducted late in the lifecycle are often misguided due to few objective guidelines that help guide the review process. When used throughout the development lifecycle, code and design quality metrics are valuable inputs to the review process.

Kirk Knoernschild
STARWEST 2007: Branch Out Using Classification Trees for Test Case Design[presentation]

Classification trees are a structured, visual approach to identify and categorize equivalence partitions for test objects to document test requirements so that anyone can understand them and quickly build test cases.

Julie Gardiner, Grove Consultants
Load and Performance Test Plan (template)[article]

This load andperformance test template will help the user to design an effective load test plan. The template covers all aspects of a load testing phase or level. 


Shujaat  Bukhari's picture Shujaat Bukhari
Designing Reusable Software[magazine]

For software to be reusable, it must be usable in a variety of contexts, and an important attribute of reusability at the code level is genericity. Learn more about defining for reuse and using generics.

Chuck Allison's picture Chuck Allison
The Shiny New Agile Architect[article]

Recently there has been a lot of talk on whether we need an Architect on agile teams or not. There have been never-ending discussions on various forums both inside organizations and out in the public questioning the value that an architect can bring to the agile project where the architecture evolves with every iteration. This has led many traditional Architects to scramble for cover and opened gates for a new breed of architect, the Agile Architect. The traditional ivory tower Architects are gradually proving to be the weakest link in the chain for agile projects. 

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Moving to Agile: TO DOs for your Pointy Haired Boss[article]

What happens when teams adopt agile techniques? How will the rest of the organization react? Maybe you work in a small or idealistic organization with little or no political back-biting or infighting. If so, you are to be envied. Most of us don't live in a perfect world. We are human, and even the best of businesses have a bit of dysfunction here and there. Internal politics, infighting and turf battles will emerge. Your PHB needs to understand and be prepared for this eventuality. PHB can run, but he can't hide from the ripple effects of going agile.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Patterns of Agile Adoption[article]

There are many ways to transition to an agile process. Choosing the approach that is most likely to work best for your organization can be critical to a smooth transition. Through helping hundreds of teams make the transition to agile over the years, I have identified six core patterns that teams use to initiate the transition to agile. These patterns fall into three sets of opposing pairs. You should choose the core pattern from each set that best suits your team or organization:

  • Start Small or go All In?
  • Technical Practices First or Iterative First?
  • Stealth Mode or a Public Display of Agility?
TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
The Challenge of Enterprise Requirements Management[article]

There are many accepted processes and approaches to managing enterprise requirements. These approaches vary from model-focused to document-focused and are well known and practiced by requirements-gathering specialists throughout the business world. The real intent of any enterprise requirements management organization is to accurately capture and manage needs of the business, and organizations are built to create repeatable processes for doing so. However, once the focus shifts toward processes for eliciting and managing requirements, and away from the business goals, problems can arise.

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Challenges and Benefits of Test Process Assessments[presentation]

When you need to make improvements in your test practices, a formal test process assessment can help you understand your current situation and direct you toward better testing. One assessment model is Test Process Improvement (TPI®).

Gopinath Mandala, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.
Client Verficiation Sessions: A Low Cost, High Payback Approach[presentation]

Want to improve the quality of your products? Of course you do. But how? Mette Bruhn-Pedersen uses a simple, but effective method that includes both clients and users in the development process.

Mette Bruhn-Pedersen, XponCard Service Systems
Component-Based Test Automation[presentation]

Creating software applications by assembling pre-built components has proved to be very successful on many development projects.

Vincenzo Cuomo, ST Incard
Perils and Pitfalls of the New "Agile" Tester[presentation]

If your background is testing on traditional projects, you are used to receiving something called "requirements" to develop test cases-and sometime later receiving an operational system to test.

Janet Gregory, DragonFire Inc.
Toot Your Own Horn: Hyper-visibility in Software Testing[presentation]

Too often software projects are provided insufficient resources for testing. Perhaps, the project is under-funded, and testing is the first thing to get cut.

Barrett Nuzum, Valtech Technologies
Testing Hyper-Complex Systems: What Can We Know?[presentation]

Throughout history, humans have built systems of dramatically increasing complexity. In simpler systems, defects at the micro level are mitigated by the macro level structure.

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering


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