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Lightweight Peer Code Review[presentation]

Peer code reviews can be one of the most effective ways to find bugs. However, developers will not accept a heavy process, and it's easy to waste time using poor methods.

Jason Cohen, Smart Bear Inc.
50 Ways to ...Improve Test Automation[presentation]

Although this session is not about Paul Simon's famous song, "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover", it will be most entertaining nonetheless.

Mark Fewster, Grove Consultants
How Testers Can Help Drive Agile Development[presentation]

Although some experts say that testers are not needed in an agile development environment, Lisa Crispin knows differently.

Lisa Crispin, ePlan Services, Inc.
Beyond the Rock and the Hard Place[presentation]

One stakeholder says "Zig." The other says "Zag." No compromise is in sight, and the project deadline looms nearer. The rock and the hard place-welcome to the test manager’s world!

Andy Kaufman, Institute for Leadership Excellence and Development
The Zen of Software Testing: Discovering Your Inner Tester[presentation]

Testing techniques and methods are usually based on models or theories-models derived from experience and theories from science.

Dawn Haynes, PerfTestPlus, Inc.
Session-Based Exploratory Testing-With a Test[presentation]

Session-based exploratory testing is an effective means to test when time is short and requirements are not clearly defined. Is it advisable to use session-based exploratory testing when the requirements are known and documented?

Brenda Lee, Parallax Inc.
Managing Keyword-Driven Testing[presentation]

Keyword-driven test automation has become quite popular and has entered the mainstream of test automation. Although some hail it as a panacea, many companies using it in one form or another have been disappointed.

Hans Buwalda, LogiGear Corporation
Holistic Test Analysis and Design[presentation]

To test professionally and understand software risks fully, we need to know what our tests cover. Counting test cases is not enough-that's like sizing business requirements by counting program modules.

Neil Thompson, Thompson Information Systems Consulting Ltd. and Mike Smith, Testing Solutions Group
The Top Ten Signs You Need to Improve Your Testing Process[presentation]

Does this sound familiar?

Robert Watkins, Metavante
STARWEST 2007: The Hard Truth about Offshore Testing[presentation]

If you have been a test manager for longer than a week, you have probably experienced pressure from management to offshore some test activities to save money.

Jim Olsen, Dell Inc.
Mission Possible: An Exploratory Testing Experience[presentation]

Interested in exploratory testing and its use on rich Internet applications, the new interactive side of the Web? Erik Petersen searched the Web to find some interesting and diverse systems to test using exploratory testing techniques.

Erik Petersen, Emprove
User Interface Testing with Microsoft Visual C#[presentation]

Manually testing software with a complex user interface (UI) is time-consuming and expensive. Historically the development and maintenance costs associated with automating UI testing have been very high.

Vijay Upadya, Microsoft Corporation
Taming the Code Monolith-A Tester's View[presentation]

Many organizations have systems that are large, complex, undocumented, and very difficult to test. These systems often break in unexpected ways at critical times.

Randy Rice, Rice Consulting Services Inc
Selecting Mischief Makers: Vital Interviewing Skills[presentation]

Much of testing is tedious-the focus on details, the repetitive execution of the same code, the detailed paperwork, the seemingly endless technical discussions, and the complex data analysis.

Andy Bozman, Orthodyne Electronics
Even Cavemen Can Do It: Find 1,000 Defects in 1,000,000 Lines of Code in 30 Days[presentation]

Due to the increased emphasis on computer security, great advances have been made in static analyzer tools that can detect many code errors that often elude programmers, compilers, test suites, and visual reviews.

Gregory Pope, William Oliver and Kimberly Ferrari, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


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