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Challenging Why (Not If) Scrum Works[article]

Agile works. Early adopters, working largely by instinct, have seen good success. To go to the next level, instinct alone is not enough. As we face more complex and uncertain environments, as we face the need to scale to the enterprise, we need to apply intelligence and knowledge, guided by experience. Knowledge about why Scrum works.

Al Shalloway's picture Al Shalloway
Agile2007 - Dave Thomas - I finally speak with Smalltalk Dave[article]

Dave Thomas aka "Smalltalk Dave" was kind enough to join Bob Payne for this podcast while the two of them were both attending Agile 2007. These podcasts are a great way to get the inside scoop to what many of the world's popular conference speakers really feel about the topics that matter most.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
Agile2007 - Josh Kerievsky - Scaling Training, e-Learning and Certification[article]

Bob Payne finally got a hold of Josh Kerievsky so the two could record one of our friendly discussion podcasts together. Bob and Josh discuss the benefits of e-Learning courses for software developers, and how his own companies provides these classes along with other certifications.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
Web 2.0: The Fall and Rise of the User Experience[presentation]

The Web has enabled pervasive global information sharing, commerce, and communications on a scale thought to be impossible only ten years ago.

Wayne Hom, Augmentum Inc.
Points of Defect Creation: Speeding Detection and Correction[presentation]

Software development methodologies try to improve quality by promoting the tactic of testing "early and often." When a defect is detected, a report is filed, the developer tries to reproduce and repair the problem, and then testing must verif

Shankar Krishnamoorthy, Krishna Sivaramakrishnan, and Aparna Venkateshwaran, Aspire Systems
When Good Numbers Go Bad[presentation]

All measurement numbers begin their life with the objective of being good and useful tools.

Thomas Cagley, The David Consulting Group
A CMMI® Success Story: What Happens in Guadalajara Doesn't Stay in Guadalajara[presentation]

Can a group of software developers, located in Mexico, achieve CMMI® certification and set the standard for their larger U.S. parent company to follow?

Jeff Fiebrich and Diego Garay, Freescale Semiconductors, Inc.
SOA Governance: The Process Change Required for Succcess[presentation]

The SOA revolution is already underway in many IT organizations. SOA creates new cultural, organizational, and technological challenges that must be met to ensure success.

David Butler, Hewlett-Packard
Using Agile Management Techniques on Traditional Projects[presentation]

Project managers generally run a project based on the development methodology used by their company.

Brian Watson, Quick Solutions, Inc.
Taking Personal Ownership for Software Development Success[presentation]

The responsibility for building effective software teams is more than just a management task. Indeed, in some situations, management could easily rationalize that there is limited business value in improving team effectiveness.

Jim Brosseau, Clarrus Consulting Group, Inc.
Are They All Neurotic? The Psychology of the Software Engineer[presentation]

In recent years, psychologists have come to a nearly unanimous consensus on the number and nature of human personality dimensions.

James McCaffrey, Volt Information Sciences, Inc.
We Need It by October: What's Your Estimate?[presentation]

Letting good estimates made by smart people be overwhelmed by the strong desires of powerful people is a cardinal sin of project management.

Tim Lister, Atlantic Systems Guild, Inc.
Quantitative and Statistical Management Applications[presentation]

There is no longer any question that-when appropriately used-quantitative measurement and management of software projects works. As with any tool, the phrase "appropriately used" tells the tale.

Edward Weller, Integrated Productivity Solutions, LLC
Establishing an Organization-wide Project Performance Baseline[presentation]

Performance measurements have now become a mainstream management practice in many, often large, development organizations.

David Garmus, The David Consulting Group
Timelines, Artifacts and Owners in Agile Projects[presentation]

Knowledge of agile development processes is spreading through publications, training, and experience. And now organizations are taking on larger projects using agile methods.

Hubert Smits, Rally Software Development


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