The Latest

Avoiding Software Failures Using TSP/PSP and Six Sigma Methods[presentation]

Today, the competitive marketplace demands the best of everything-the highest quality, lowest costs, and shortest possible schedule.

Mukesh Jain, Microsoft
Balancing Agility with Discipline: The Citigroup Process[presentation]

Agile practitioners are aware of the business benefits that can be derived from faster and more effective software delivery. At the same time, companies in many industries are facing increasing regulatory compliance issues.

Eugene Levin, Citigroup
First to Market or First to Fail: A General Systems View[presentation]

Marketers often emphasize the enormous advantage of being first-to-market, but is being first really an advantage?

Michael Bolton, DevelopSense
Building Better Teams through Better Interviewing[presentation]

As manager of a software team, you often rely on your staff for assistance when conducting technical interviews to fill positions in your organization.

Michael Kahn, MK
Is Web 2.0 a Hacker's Dream?[presentation]

Web 2.0 promises to make Web applications far more usable and enjoyable than we have ever imagined.

Michael Sutton, SPI Dynamics
The Testing Center of Excellence[presentation]

When it comes to system and acceptance testing, project teams often end up scrambling for resources, late in the project schedule.

David Wong and Dalim Khandaker, CGI
Better Requirements through Graphical UML Models[presentation]

The primary reason that projects deliver significantly less value than customers expect-or fail outright-is incomplete, ambiguous, or poorly understood requirements.

Thomas Bullinger, Isotope28
When Others Aren't As Agile As You Are[presentation]

As agile software development methodologies take hold in the mainstream, organizations are finding that working with outside consultants poses a new set of challenges.

Alicia Yanik, eBags
ITIL and You: The Perfect Match[presentation]

ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) is a flexible framework for implementing IT Service Management within an organization.

Michael Giacometti, Sungard
Improving Code Quality with Eclipse and its Java Plug-ins[presentation]

One of the features that makes Eclipse so popular within the Java community is the abundance of easy to use plug-ins. Many of these are freely available open-source tools.

Levent Gurses, Stelligent
Stop Spyware through Improved Software Security Practices[presentation]

As organizations spend more time and money to protect their systems from security breaches, the threat landscape is shifting from widespread attacks to specifically targeted, malicious spyware invasions.

Gerhard Eschelbeck, Webroot
When Will the Product be Ready to Ship - a "Hurricane Tracking System"[presentation]

Most test execution tracking systems are backward looking and do not attempt to quantify what remains to be done.

David Gilbert, Sirius Software Quality Associates
Patterns for Improved Customer Interaction[presentation]

With the emphasis on in-depth customer interaction during development, team members are being asked to take an active role in working with customers.

Linda Rising, Independent Consultant
The Agile-Traditional Development Cooperative[presentation]

In large organizations, it is simply not practical to just "flip a switch" and have your development department start doing full-on agile all at once.

Michele Sliger, Sliger Consulting
Coaching: The New Leadership Imperative[presentation]

The days of plan-driven command-and-control technical management are gone. Flexible software development and the adoption of agile methods are driving factors.

Robert Galen, RGCG, LLC


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