The Latest
The QA/Testing Perspective on Software Security[presentation] Most everyone now realizes that we cannot solve security vulnerabilities with firewalls, virus scanners, and other tactics that build an electronic “moat” around systems. |
Julian Harty, Commercetest Limited
Moving from Test-Last to Test-Driven Development[presentation] Has it ever happened to you? Due to an immovable delivery schedule, time for testing is squeezed and long hours are the norm at the end of a project. Well, let’s move the testing forward in the development process. |
Mike Cohn, Mountain Goat Software
A Simple (and Revolutionary) Test Automation Dashboard[presentation] Even though most everyone recognizes that automation is a key element in improving test efficiency, many automation efforts unfortunately fall far short of achieving the desired results. |
Kelly Whitmill, IBM Corporation
It's Too Darn Big: Test Techniques for Gigantic Systems[presentation] Structuring test designs and prioritizing your test effort for large and complex software systems are daunting tasks, ones that have beaten many, very good test engineers. |
Keith Stobie, Microsoft Corporation
Blind Men Meet the Quality Elephant[presentation] For many organizations, software quality is an elephant found by blind men who think they can see. People hold different opinions about quality based on their work roles and interests. |
Isabel Evans, Testing Solutions Group Ltd
The Imperative of Non-Functional System Testing[presentation] Ignore or downplay non-functional system testing at your peril. A thorough, well-executed nonfunctional test plan discovers software defects usually overlooked with functional testing. |
Julian Harty, Commercetest Limited
Quality Interactions: Bulding Effective Working Relationships[presentation] As software professionals, we all care about quality. We focus our efforts on building quality into the code and testing to assess quality and find errors before our customers do. |
Esther Derby, Esther Derby Associates Inc
Get a New Agile Attitude - Quality First[presentation] For decades quality assurance (QA) has been a back-end loaded process. Developers put the bugs in, and QA tests the bugs out. |
Robert Martin, Object Mentor
Plans, Processes, and Practices for Successful Test Outsourcing[presentation] There are many reasons why outsourcing IT activities requires extra attention, especially when it concerns software testing. Examples of complete failures are common, and "backsourcing" is not uncommon today. |
Martin Pol, POLTEQ IT Services BV
Testing of Web-Based and Java Applications with Models[presentation] With most GUI test tools that exist today, model-based testing for Java applications is extremely difficult to implement. |
Jeff Feldstein, Cisco Systems Inc
A New Paradigm for Collecting and Interpreting Bug Metrics[presentation] Many software test organizations count bugs; however, most do not derive much value from the practice, and other metrics can actually harm the quality of their software or their organization. |
James Bach, Satisfice Inc
Ping-Pong Programming: Enhance Your TDD and Pair Programming Practices[article] Team player Dave Hoover wants to share a software development practice he enjoys. It emerged from the practices of extreme programming as a competitive yet simultaneously collaborative practice. Dave has found that this practice promotes the flow of knowledge between software developers better than any other practice he has experienced. As you might have guessed from the title of this week's column, this practice is called ping-pong programming, or P3 for short. |
Dave Hoover
May 31, 2005 |
Peer-to-Peer Feedback[article] When people work closely together, there's bound to be friction and irritations. Some people find it difficult to bring up these issues directly, so they hint and hope. And when the hint doesn't help, the irritation can grow out of proportion. Team members' ability to give peer-to-peer feedback both about work and interpersonal relationships is critical to developing a highly productive team. Esther Derby tells us about a team torn apart by an unattractive personal habit and offers some advice for talking about touchy interpersonal issues. |
Write Sweet-Smelling Comments[magazine] All code is not created equal. Learn from a master of the craft how to spot bad code and mold it into good. This month, Mike Clark explains how to sniff out stinky code and write comments that count. |
Mike Clark
May 13, 2005 |
Do You Want Fries With That Test?[magazine] Connect with an expert to learn how to work smarter and learn new ways to uncover more defects. In this issue, Michael Bolton dishes out commentary on why testers who master skills instead of memorizing techniques are relished in the software industry. |