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Better Testing with a Hacker's Mentality[presentation]

Security issues are becoming more and more relevant as testers are called on to find security problems before others exploit them. So, where do you start, and how do you bridge the gap between honest tester and bad-guy hacker?

Julian Harty, Commercetest Limited
Test Harnesses for API Testing[presentation]

Automated testing in most QA organizations involves capture-playback tools in combination with manual testing. But these types of tests often suffer from well-known implementation and execution problems.

Michael Sonshine, Intuit Inc
Automated Database Testing with NUnit[presentation]

With a framework built in .NET using the open source application NUnit, database application developers and testers quickly can create a basic set of build verification tests and provide a foundation for a set of more powerful tests.

Alan Corwin, Process Builder, Inc.
Quality Metrics for Test: Evaluating Products, Evaluating Ourselves[presentation]

As testers, we usually focus our efforts on measuring the quality of products.

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Who is Stealing a Living off Your Web Site?[presentation]

So, your company makes money from its Web site. Who else might also be doing the same? While the Web is a profitable venture for many companies, it is often equally profitable for hackers and thieves.

Florence Mottay, Security Innovation LLC
Combinatorial Testing Experiences, Tools, and Solutions[presentation]

Good test designs often require testing many different sets of valid and invalid input parameters, hardware/software environments, and system conditions. This results in a combinatorial explosion of test cases.

Peter Zimmerer, Siemens AG
STARWEST 2004: Model-Based Testing for Java and Web-Based GUI Applications[presentation]

With the tools existing today, model-based testing for Java applications is extremely difficult to implement.

Jeff Feldstein, Cisco Systems Inc
Testing and Thriving in an FDA Regulated Environment[presentation]

As for all life-critical software, the FDA guidance document on software validation emphasizes defect prevention, complexity analysis, risk assessment, and code coverage.

Jim Bedford, Metreck Corporation
Workgroup Retrospectives for Test Teams[presentation]

You may have heard about the power of project retrospectives, but will a retrospective benefit your test team or development team when you don't control the budget or set priorities for the entire project? The answer is yes.

Esther Derby, Esther Derby Associates Inc
Improving Testing with Process Assessments[presentation]

Fast development cycles, distributed architectures, code reuse, and developer productivity suites make it imperative that we improve our software test efficiency. A process assessment is one approach to begin an improvement program.

Robert Topolski, Intel Corporation
Free Test Tools are Like a Box of Chocolates[presentation]

You never know what you are going to get! Until you explore, it can be hard to tell whether a free, shareware, or open source tool is an abandoned and poorly documented research project or a robust powerhouse of a tool.

Danny Faught, Tejas Software Consulting
Mistaken Interpretation Mistaken Interpretation[article]

Our brains are wonderful processors capable of making sense of the huge amount of sensory input we receive every day. But sometimes, our first interpretation of sensory data can lead us astray. Esther Derby shows us how assuming our interpretation of events holds the truth of the matter can damage relationships, and how testing our interpretations can help.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby
Using Personas to Improve Testing[presentation]

Too often testers are thrown into the testing process without direct knowledge of the customers' behaviors and business process.

Robyn Edgar, Microsoft
Managing Agile Test Departments[presentation]

What is the impact of agile methods on test departments and testers? How do you manage testing in an agile test department?

Robert Martin, Object Mentor
Mainframe-Class Recoverability Testing[presentation]

The corollary to the axiom "all software has bugs" is "you will never find them all." Even if you could, hardware and environmental failures always are lurking about, waiting to crash the software.

Scott Loveland, IBM Corporation


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