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Service-Oriented Architecture - Exposed[presentation]

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), incorporating methods for Web services to communicate dynamically, promises to significantly improve organizational operating efficiency, change the way companies conduct business, and even alter the compe

Sharon Fay, Flashline, Inc.
eXtreme Architecture and Design for Test[presentation]

eXtreme programming emphasizes test-first coding-you write the tests before writing the implementation code. You can apply the same approach in design when developing a complex system, including an architecture to support testing.

Ken Pugh, Pugh-Killeen Associates
GUI Usability Design and Validation with Paper Prototypes[presentation]

Usability testing of early GUI designs with paper prototypes validates that you are building the right applications for your customers.

Ann Walker, The MathWorks Inc
Pervasive XML for the Agile Enterprise[presentation]

XML technology usage continues to grow and is being incorporated in enterprise applications. Industry groups are embracing XML as a mechanism to encourage standard data interchanges within their vertical industry.

James McGovern, Hartford Financial Services Group
Build the "Right Software" to Delight Your Customer[presentation]

Many companies have implemented quality programs such as CMM®, TQM, Six Sigma, etc., to improve requirements and software development.

Unmesh Gundewar, EMC Corporation
A Defined Process for Requirements Peer Reviews[presentation]

Most software projects include reviews-whether or not they are officially part of the development process. Unfortunately, these reviews are often inefficient, and even unproductive.

Rob Wyatt, Wachovia
Refining Requirements with Test Cases[presentation]

Requirements are supposed to be the basis of most test cases, but can you use test cases to define what the system needs to do--to improve or to actually become the requirements?

Tanya Martin-McClellan, Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Expressing Requrirements as Users Stories - an Agile Approach[presentation]

Expressing requirements as user stories is one of the most broadly applicable techniques introduced by eXtreme Programming and adopted by other agile development processes.

Mike Cohn, Mountain Goat Software
Go on Offense: Prevent Web Application Security Breaches[presentation]

You must successfully test your browser-based applications before hackers do the job for you!

Dennis Hurst, SPI Dynamics Inc
STAREAST 2000: Testing and Test Automation: Establishing Effective Architectures[presentation]

Fast development cycles, distributed architectures, code reuse, and developer productivity suites make it imperative that we improve our software test methods and efficiency. What process assessments are available?

Edward Kit, Software Development Technologies and Hans Buwalda, CMG TestFrame Research Center
Undoing Testing Methods in Agile Projects[presentation]

The period 2002-2004 was one of enormous progress in figuring out how testing fits in on agile projects. Test-driven design is more about designing and writing the code than about finding bugs.

Brian Marick, Testing Foundations
Early Testing without the Test and Test Again Syndrome[presentation]

Developers and testers sometimes get into a frustrating dance in which the developers provide code for test, the testers run tests and document findings, developers fix the problems and re-release for testing, and the testers rerun and docume

Douglas Hoffman, Software Quality Methods LLC
People + Process = ROI![presentation]

Return on investment (ROI) is a widely used approach for measuring the value of new or improved technology and business processes.

Geoffrey Hewson, Software Productivity Center, Inc.
Adopting Agile Practices on Non-Agile Projects[presentation]

Does your team want to take a stab at Agile development without making a full commitment? Or, are you a manager who has read or heard about Agile development and want to experiment with it before making a large upfront investment?

Peter Schuh, Peter Schuh Consulting
Making Process Improvement Work with Six Sigma and the CMM/CMMI[presentation]

In this presentation Terrence Craft, a Certified Six Sigma Black Belt, provides an experience-based look at how to make the capability maturity model (CMM®/CMMI®) work most effectively with Six Sigma.

Terrence Craft, First Data Resources


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