The Latest
Continuous Integration Using an Open Source Platform Architecture[presentation] Continuous integration is the process of performing a fully automated build, run often, usually daily, during software development. How do you develop a robust platform architecture to automatically integrate your software into builds? |
Paul Duvall, Cigital, Inc.
Open Source Development Tools: Coping with Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt[presentation] Using open source tools in a development and test environment can be a big relief for your budget. However, open source remains a foreign and often frightening concept for many developers and organizations. |
Danny Faught, Tejas Software Consulting
Service-Oriented Architecture - Exposed[presentation] Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), incorporating methods for Web services to communicate dynamically, promises to significantly improve organizational operating efficiency, change the way companies conduct business, and even alter the compe |
Sharon Fay, Flashline, Inc.
eXtreme Architecture and Design for Test[presentation] eXtreme programming emphasizes test-first coding-you write the tests before writing the implementation code. You can apply the same approach in design when developing a complex system, including an architecture to support testing. |
Ken Pugh, Pugh-Killeen Associates
GUI Usability Design and Validation with Paper Prototypes[presentation] Usability testing of early GUI designs with paper prototypes validates that you are building the right applications for your customers. |
Ann Walker, The MathWorks Inc
Pervasive XML for the Agile Enterprise[presentation] XML technology usage continues to grow and is being incorporated in enterprise applications. Industry groups are embracing XML as a mechanism to encourage standard data interchanges within their vertical industry. |
James McGovern, Hartford Financial Services Group
Build the "Right Software" to Delight Your Customer[presentation] Many companies have implemented quality programs such as CMM®, TQM, Six Sigma, etc., to improve requirements and software development. |
Unmesh Gundewar, EMC Corporation
A Defined Process for Requirements Peer Reviews[presentation] Most software projects include reviews-whether or not they are officially part of the development process. Unfortunately, these reviews are often inefficient, and even unproductive. |
Rob Wyatt, Wachovia
Refining Requirements with Test Cases[presentation] Requirements are supposed to be the basis of most test cases, but can you use test cases to define what the system needs to do--to improve or to actually become the requirements? |
Tanya Martin-McClellan, Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Expressing Requrirements as Users Stories - an Agile Approach[presentation] Expressing requirements as user stories is one of the most broadly applicable techniques introduced by eXtreme Programming and adopted by other agile development processes. |
Mike Cohn, Mountain Goat Software
Go on Offense: Prevent Web Application Security Breaches[presentation] You must successfully test your browser-based applications before hackers do the job for you! |
Dennis Hurst, SPI Dynamics Inc
STAREAST 2000: Testing and Test Automation: Establishing Effective Architectures[presentation] Fast development cycles, distributed architectures, code reuse, and developer productivity suites make it imperative that we improve our software test methods and efficiency. What process assessments are available? |
Edward Kit, Software Development Technologies and Hans Buwalda, CMG TestFrame Research Center
Undoing Testing Methods in Agile Projects[presentation] The period 2002-2004 was one of enormous progress in figuring out how testing fits in on agile projects. Test-driven design is more about designing and writing the code than about finding bugs. |
Brian Marick, Testing Foundations
Early Testing without the Test and Test Again Syndrome[presentation] Developers and testers sometimes get into a frustrating dance in which the developers provide code for test, the testers run tests and document findings, developers fix the problems and re-release for testing, and the testers rerun and docume |
Douglas Hoffman, Software Quality Methods LLC
People + Process = ROI![presentation] Return on investment (ROI) is a widely used approach for measuring the value of new or improved technology and business processes. |
Geoffrey Hewson, Software Productivity Center, Inc.