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Jack Be Agile ... But Not Too Quick[magazine]

Turn to The Last Word, where software professionals who care about quality give you their opinions on hot topics. This month, find out why Karl Wiegers thinks that Agile development is not to be undertaken lightly.

Karl E. Wiegers
What's Holding You Back?[magazine]

We're pleased to bring you technical editors who are well respected in their fields. Get their take on everything that relates to the industry, technically speaking. In this issue, guest technical editor and Agile authority Mike Cohn explains how Agile development could help you recognize and overcome constraints that you never may have considered before.

Mike Cohn's picture Mike Cohn
Unjust Deserts[magazine]

Collaborative projects are a cornerstone of Agile development, but how can you recognize individuals for team work without spoiling team unity? Learn how to dole out praise and rewards without leaving a bad taste in everyone's mouth.

Mary Poppendieck's picture Mary Poppendieck
Don't Just Break Software. Make Software[magazine]

What if, instead of using tests to try to break software, we used tests to make software? That's the vision of storytest-driven development. We spoke to people who spend each day turning wishful thinking into working products. Find out how they do it.

Tracy Reppert's picture Tracy Reppert
Traditional–With a Twist[magazine]

For some, a radical shift to Agile is out of the question. That doesn't mean that you can't take little pieces of the Agile philosophy and incorporate them into your traditional development scheme. Find out how even small changes can bring about big improvements.

Peter Schuh
communicate company strategy Communicating the Big Picture[article]

Do you know how your work affects the bottom line? Esther Derby explains that taking more time to communicate company strategy to everyone on your team is an investment, which will save you time in the future. When people can connect the dots from their job to company success, they'll be better equipped to make decisions and set priorities.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby
Web Application Performance Testing with the Open Source Hyades Project[presentation]

What if you could build and run multi-user performance tests with a free, open source tool?

Jeff Robbins, IBM Rational Software Group
Why Software Quality Assurance Practices Become Evil![presentation]

Are your organization's software quality assurance practices (SQA) working well? Would some developers even say they cause discomfort or are destructive?

Gregory Pope, Univ. of California / Lawrence Livermore National Laboritory
Fault Injection to Stress Test Windows Applications[presentation]

Testing an application's robustness and tolerance for failures in its natural environment can be difficult or impossible.

Herbert Thompson, Security Innovation
Preventing Web Service Security Breaches[presentation]

Because Web services are especially vulnerable to security breaches, verifying the integrity of Web services is critical to successful deployment.

Gary Brunell, ParaSoft Corporation
Planned Chaos: Malicious Test Day[presentation]

In a test and verification organization, it can be easy to fall into predictable ruts and miss finding important defects.

Ted Rivera, Tivoli/IBM Quality Assurance
Influencing Others: Business Speak for Testers[presentation]

One of the major goals of testing is to provide information to decision-makers about the quality of the product under test and the risks of releasing or not releasing the software.

Esther Derby, Esther Derby Associates Inc
STAREAST 2004: Model-Based Testing for Java and Web-Based GUI Applications[presentation]

Model-based testing for Java applications is difficult with many of the tools existing today, thus requiring a scripting language that allows for the creation and manipulation of complex data structures and more.

Jeff Feldstein, Cisco Systems Inc.
Looking Past "The Project" with Open-Source Tools[presentation]

It is often difficult for testers and test teams to look beyond their current project. However, software test automation works best within frameworks that address all projects not just one.

Carl Nagle, SAS Institute Inc
Testing Web Services Interoperability[presentation]

If your development organization is developing Web services because you want independence across languages and platforms, you'll need to undertake serious interoperability testing.

John Scarborough, Disha Technologies Inc.


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