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audition interview Watching Testers in Action[article]

Why wait to see your candidate work? Implement an audition into the interviewing process and add dimension to your candidate's resume. In this column, Johanna Rothman discusses how you can increase the effectiveness of an interview by implementing a well-planned audition. Whether this audition takes place over the phone or in person, you'll gather a richer perspective of the candidate's capabilities and how easily the applicant can adapt to your working environment. Put your candidate's words to the test; the results of an audition may break the tie between two superb applicants.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Automated API Testing: A Model-Based Approach[presentation]

API testing is difficult, even with automated support. However, with traditional automated testing solutions, the cost to create and maintain a test suite can be more than the savings realized from automated test execution.

Kirk Sayre, The University of Tennessee
Getting a Grip on Exploratory Testing[presentation]

Many testers have heard about exploratory testing, and everyone does some testing without a script or a detailed plan. But how is exploratory testing different from ad-hoc testing?

James Lyndsay, Workroom Productions
Lessons Learned from End-to-End Systems Testing[presentation]

End-to-end testing of large, distributed systems is a complex and often expensive task. Interface testing at this high level involves multiple sub-systems and often requires cooperation among many groups.

Marc Bloom, Capital One Financial Corp
Testing Dialogues- Management Issues[presentation]

Looking for a way to gain feedback from you testing peers
on real-world issues? Testing dialogues are a unique
platform for you to share your ideas and learn from
experienced testers from around the world. Facilitated by

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
Beyond GUI: What You Need to Know about Database Testing[presentation]

Today's complex software systems access heterogeneous data from a variety of back-end databases. The intricate mix of client-server and Web-enabled database applications are extremely difficult to test productively.

Mary Sweeney, Exceed Training
Test Automation with Open Source Tools using An Agile Development Process[presentation]

Test automation, open source tools, and agile methods are three important trends in software development.

Peter Dignan, ProtoTest LLC
Are You Hiring Yesterday's Testers?[presentation]

Testing a risky software-intensive system is sometimes just as difficult as creating the system itself. And developing unit tests for each path or object individually is not sufficient testing for most applications.

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
A Whodunit? Testing Lessons from the Great Detectives[presentation]

What can we learn from Sherlock Holmes, Quincy, Joe Friday, Dick Tracy, Lt. Colombo, MacGyver, and other famous detectives to help your team become great testers?

Robert Sabourin, Inc
High Volume Test Automation[presentation]

Most test design starts from the premise that extensive testing is not possible--too may tests, not enough time. What if we could generate millions of tests, execute them, and evaluate them automatically.

Cem Kaner, Florida Institute of Technology
Testing "Best Practices": From Microsoft's Context to Yours[presentation]

Testing is a never-ending series of trade-off decisions, what to test and what not to test; when to stop testing and release the product; how to budget your testing resources for automated vs.

Barry Preppernau, Microsoft Corporation
Becoming a Trusted Advisor to Senior Management[presentation]

How can Test Managers present information about test results so that the correct message is received by decision-makers?

Lloyd Roden, Grove Consultants
Quick Start to Quality - Five Important Test Support Practices[presentation]

As testers, we understand the virtues of clear equirements, effective configuration management, software inspections and reviews, project planning, and project tracking.

Louise Tamres, The Tamres Group
A Day in the Life of a Test Manager[presentation]

During every project, test managers face many issues and challenges and often have to make difficult judgement calls.

Clive Bates, Grove Consultants
delegating management Win-Win Delegation[article]

If you're a manager, you probably know what it's like to have more work than you can possibly do. However, it's unlikely you'll receive approval to hire another "you." How can you free up some time to focus on the strategic work of management? You may have an untapped resource in your group. Take a look at the career aspirations of your staff: Does anyone want to move up to be a team lead or manager? Delegating a defined chunk of management work can give someone the chance to try on a new role and learn a new skill.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby


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