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Quality Metrics for Testers: Evaluating Our Products -- Evaluating Ourselves[presentation]

Most programmers learn very little about testing techniques in school. This has a ripple effect through the software development cycle, often leaving quality issues until too late in the project.

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Enabling Technologies for Outsourced Testing[presentation]

The outsourcing of test case development, automation, and execution presents opportunities for some organizations seeking new sources of competitive advantage.

Rob Spade, Lumenare Networks
User Community Modeling Language (UCML) for Performance Testing Workloads[presentation]

Performance testers use various methods to describe user workloads-scenarios, operational profiles, and more. Understanding these workloads and accurately simulating them is one key to developing useful performance tests.

Scott Barber, Authentec
Ongoing Retrospectives: Project Reviews That Work[presentation]

As evaluators of quality, testers can often identify critical software development problems during the process. So, how do you get other members of the development team to take notice?

Lauri MacKinnon, Phase Forward Inc
Quantifying the Cost of Test Escapes[presentation]

Creating an effective test strategy is an expensive undertaking for complex software applications. While the money invested in the process is relatively easy to measure, the return on that investment (ROI) is much harder to quantify.

Duncan Lane, Hewlett-Packard
Objective Measures from Model-Based Testing[presentation]

Many businesses are looking for the right project measures as they relate to project planning, scheduling, and performance.

Mark Blackburn, Software Productivity Consortium
Evaluating Test Plans Using Rubrics[presentation]

The phrase "test plan" means different things to different people. There is even more disagreement about what makes one test plan better than another one.

Bernie Berger, Test Assured Inc.
Test Outsourcing Approach and Implementation[presentation]

If your organization is considering outsourcing some parts of its testing activities, you'll learn valuable lessons from UBS Investment Bank's approach to and implementation of test outsourcing.

Keith Klain, UBS Investment Bank
A Survey of Test Automation Architectures[presentation]

How are you going to develop and run 1000 test cases automatically and unattended? Commercial test automation tools often get a bad rap because many organizations never get past the record/playback/fail cycle of frustration.

Jamie Mitchell, Test & Automation Consulting LLC
Cross-Organizational Change Management[presentation]

The phrase "test plan" means different things to different people. There is even more disagreement about what makes one test plan better than another one.

Federico Pacquing, Jr., Getty Images, Inc.
Building an Independent Test Group[presentation]

Are you attempting to start an independent test group or increase the scope and value of your present group?

Scott Eder, Catalina Marketing
Assuring Testable Requirements[presentation]

One strategy for assuring testable software is to assure testable requirements, i.e., requirements that are clearly and precisely specified and cost-effectively checkable.

David Gelperin, LiveSpecs Software
Test Metrics: A Practical Approach To Tracking and Interpretation[presentation]

You can improve the overall quality of a software project through the use of test metrics.

Shaun Bradshaw, Questcon Technologies Inc
Contrasting White-Box and Black-Box Performance Testing[presentation]

What exactly do people mean when they say they are going to run a "black box performance test"? And why would they choose to adopt such a test strategy over a potentially more revealing approach such as "white box performance testing"?

Steve Splaine, Nielsen Media Research
Are We There Yet? Knowing When You Have Reached Your Quality Target[presentation]

Marketing may set the schedule for software delivery. Product management may create the budget. But as a test manager, how do you know when your product is ready to ship?

Sanjay Jejurikar, Disha Technologies Inc.


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