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Adapting to Working from Home: A Conversation with Gene Gotimer[interview]
Gene Gotimer, principal consultant at Coveros, chats with TechWell community manager Owen Gotimer about the challenges individuals and organizations face while we work from home during this global pandemic and how getting thrown into remote work could shape our future. |
Solving 6 Major Challenges of Implementing Agile[article] Implementing agile often means throwing out the rulebook when it comes to how teams work, how projects are organized, and even what the office floor plan looks like. This can be a difficult transition, but it's nothing to fear if you can anticipate the challenges and plan accordingly. Here are six of the greatest challenges teams face when implementing agile, along with some tips on how to avoid them. |
How to Accelerate Your Release Cycles with Agile Testing[article] With the traditional waterfall method of testing, achieving quality and faster time to market is difficult. Agile testing has emerged as an alternative, where development and testing take place simultaneously instead of operating in their respective silos. Let’s look at what it means to perform agile testing, what practices are necessary, and how agile testing can benefit your software releases. |
Lightning Strikes the Agile + DevOps East Keynotes[video]
Lightning Talks are a series of five-minute talks giving speakers the opportunity to deliver their single biggest bang-for-the-buck idea in a rapid-fire presentation. Watch all the Agile + DevOps East 2019 lightning keynote presentations in one place—and have some fun at the same time. |
Whole Team Quality: A Conversation with Melissa Benua[interview]
Melissa Benua, director of engineering at mParticle, chats with TechWell community manager Owen Gotimer about the importance of whole team quality, how to get started using the test pyramid, and how developers can start writing testable code. |
Testing in Agile: How to Get Started[article] There is a lot of interest in organizations around a transformation to agility. However, the focus is usually on agile development, so it may not be clear how software testing is done in agile. If you're responsible for leading your testing teams, don't let them be left behind. Here’s how you can make testers part of the transformation, too—step by step, because this is agile, after all. |
6 Anti-Patterns Preventing Agile Teams from Self-Organizing[article] People have different cultural backgrounds, habits, beliefs, interests, capabilities, knowledge, skills, and temperaments. When put together on a team, they can’t always be governed by a rulebook to become self-organized. The dynamics among them have to be understood to recognize the anti-patterns first. Here are six anti-patterns that must be avoided and remediated to help teams move toward self-organization. |
The Differences between Traditional and Agile Project Management[article] Traditional project management and agile project management are two contrasting styles that are often pitted against each other, each with unique values and downfalls. The best methodology to use for a specific project largely depends on the nature of the project and its requirements. Consequently, it’s important to understand the premise of each of these styles and the attributes that differentiate them. |
Containers, Docker, and Kubernetes 101: A Conversation with Ryan Kenney[interview]
Ryan Kenney, senior consultant at Coveros, chats with TechWell community manager Owen Gotimer about the difference between containers, container engines, and container orchestration; using containers in your CI/CD pipelines; and the cost of security. |
How Continuous Testing Is Done in DevOps[article] DevOps does speed up your processes and make them more efficient, but companies must focus on quality as well as speed. QA should not live outside the DevOps environment; it should be a fundamental part. If your DevOps ambitions have started with only the development and operations teams, it’s not too late to loop in testing. You must integrate QA into the lifecycle in order to truly achieve DevOps benefits. |
The Power of Communication: A Conversation with Jaimee Newberry[interview]
Jaimee Newberry, co-founder and CEO at Picture This Clothing, chats with TechWell community manager Owen Gotimer about the power of communication, the HIPPO in the room, and how to create psychological safety in brainstorming sessions. |
3 Ways to Be More Agile in a Fixed-Price Project[article] Fixed-price projects are a challenge to manage when using agile practices, as software teams need the flexibility to change what they are building based on customer need, and that often alters what can be done within a fixed budget. However, there are ways to achieve agility even within a fixed-budget constraint. Here are three ways to make a fixed-price project a win for all parties involved. |
What Is Scrum?: A Conversation with Ryan Ripley[interview]
Ryan Ripley, professional Scrum trainer at, chats with TechWell community manager Owen Gotimer about what Scrum is, some of the most common Scrum antipatterns, and the importance of connecting your Scrum team with your customer. Continue the conversation with Ryan and Owen (@owen) on the TechWell Hub (! |
18 Questions to Ask for Better Backlog Refinement[article] Refinement is time spent during the current sprint discussing and elaborating product backlog items so that they are ready for future sprints. Unfortunately, many teams do not unlock the full potential of refinement. Backlog items should be sliced, and a solution should be proposed, reviewed, and discussed. If your team is having trouble getting started, here are 18 questions you can use to trigger refinement discussions. |
5 Key Elements for Designing a Successful Dashboard[article] When you’re designing a dashboard to track and display metrics, it is important to consider the needs and expectations of the users of the dashboard and the information that is available. There are several aspects to consider when creating a new dashboard in order to make it a useful tool. For a mnemonic device to help you easily remember the qualities that make a good dashboard, just remember the acronym “VITAL.” |