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STAREast Logo Use Combinatorial Testing for Mobile Device Fragmentation[presentation]

A common problem in mobile systems testing is the number of hardware, operational, and software configurations that need to be tested. For example, the so-called Android fragmentation problem might lead a test team to test hundreds of device and software configurations, yielding thousands...

Jon Hagar
STAREast Logo Finding Success with Test Process Improvement[presentation]

When you go on a road trip and want to plan your journey, you need to know where you are, where you want to go, and why you want to go there. You need the same things when you want to improve your test process. It doesn’t matter whether you are agile, waterfall, or part of a Test Center...

Gitte Ottosen
STAREast Logo The Evolution of a Software Tester: From Novice to Practitioner[presentation]

Once upon a time, Dawn Haynes was a software tester. Now she’s most often found in the classroom, helping others tackle the same day-to-day challenges that she has encountered on projects for the past thirty years. Dawn now recognizes that, although she had great instincts about testing...

Dawn Haynes
STAREast Logo Fostering Long-Term Test Automation Success[presentation]

In today’s environment of plummeting software delivery cycle times, test automation becomes a more critical and strategic necessity.  How can we possibly keep up with software delivery's explosive pace while retaining satisfactory test coverage?  How do we keep the reins on costs...

Carl Nagle
STAREast Logo Testing at Startup Companies: What, When, Where, and How[presentation]

Startups are becoming increasingly prolific—technology startups even more so. CEOs are recognizing the need for quality. Their users are their growth, and if they can't retain users, their growth slows or stops. So quality matters. How do you convince the rest of the company that test...

Alice Till-Carty
STAREast Logo Testing in the New World of Off-the-Shelf Software[presentation]

Testing an off-the-shelf, sometimes called COTS, system? Often, project managers and stakeholders mistakenly believe that one benefit of purchasing software is that there is little, if any, testing required. This could not be further from the truth. Testing COTS software requires a...

Gerie Owen and Peter Varhol
STAREast Logo Quality Metrics: The Dirty Word in the Room[presentation]

Is tracking metrics beneficial? What does it accomplish? How and what should be tracked with regards to software quality? Management wants software metrics to understand what the individual and/or teams are accomplishing and how they are doing with regards to management's expectations.

Annette Ash
STAREast Logo Testing Lessons from the Land of Make Believe[presentation]

Rob Sabourin has discovered testing lessons in Sesame Street, the Simpsons, the Looney Tunes gang, the Great Detectives, Dr. Seuss, and many other unlikely places, but this year he journeys to the Land of Make Believe. Rob's grandchildren Jane and Suzy draw him into the Land of Make Believe.

Rob Sabourin
STAREast Logo The Road to DevOps: Data, Environment, and Test Automation[presentation]

DevOps promotes continuous integration, continuous testing, and continuous deployment. And anything that breaks this continuity is a potential bottleneck. In many organizations, testing becomes that bottleneck for one or all of the following reasons:  unstable test environment, lack...

Tanya Kravtsov
STAREast Logo Continuous Integration: A New Way of Life[presentation]

Continuous integration is the new buzzword in software development because it opens up opportunities well beyond making sure all your team's code compiles cleanly. What if this pipeline could improve everything from the quality of code reviews, to how you monitor your product “in the wild,”

Melissa Benua
STAREast Logo End-to-End Automated Testing: Lessons from Zombieland[presentation]

With the proliferation of mobile devices, browsers, and IoT devices, each with its own eccentricities, performing end-to-end automated testing is starting to feel like navigating a zombie apocalypse. You need to fight off the zombies but lack the right tools. You need a set of rules to...

Matt Barbour
STAREast Logo A Tester’s Experience with User Experience Mapping[presentation]

Let's take an off-the-beaten-path approach to quality—testing based on actual user experiences. Being aware of surroundings and emotions while using intuition and instincts are attributes of great testing. With the right tools and approaches, we can learn to tap into users’ experiences to...

Marjana Shammi
STAREast Logo Don’t Be Another Statistic! Develop a Long-Term Test Automation Strategy[presentation]

Choosing the appropriate tool and building the right framework are typically thought of as the main challenges to successful test automation. However, even after careful tool selection and advanced automation framework construction, many find long-term success elusive. Lee Barnes discusses...

Lee Barnes
STAREast Logo Nature vs. Nurture: Building Great Test Teams[presentation]

When organizations expand internal test teams, hiring managers sort through piles of résumés hoping for a few gems. But scanning for coveted technical skills and relevant experience often leads to disappointment. With the proliferation of new software and the explosion of mobile devices...

Shaun Bradshaw
STAREast Logo No More Exploratory Testing—Really?[presentation]

Thirty years ago when Cem Kaner coined the term “exploratory testing,” it was largely ignored for almost a decade. Since then, the idea of exploratory testing has moved through recognition, controversy, hostility, tolerance, and acceptance. Yet questions remain: Is exploratory testing an...

Michael Bolton


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