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Collocated West Logo Going Agile at Scale: A Mindset Transformation of Global Proportions[presentation]

How do you successfully transform 700 people working on one product? The answer: Give them ownership. Value people over process. This requires that leaders learn how and when to step back—and when to step up. In the past eight years, the Veritas NetBackup organization had tried three agile...

Julie Urban and Jeff Byron
Collocated West Logo What Hollywood Can Teach Us about Software Testing[presentation]

If we observe the world through the lens of software testing, we discover that there are lessons all around us we can apply on the job, and one venue that’s packed with these tidbits is the movie theater. Bernie Berger gives examples of a few unlikely yet credible lessons from the language...

Bernie Berger
Collocated West Logo Continuous Discovery: The Path to Learning and Growing[presentation]

Software development is a process of continuous discovery. When writing software, we create ideas, we try them in code, we learn what works and what doesn’t—and that steers us to a better solution. And sometimes we do this all day long! Woody Zuill says that this same process of continuous...

Woody Zuill
Collocated West Logo Three Things You MUST Know to Transform into an Agile Enterprise[presentation]

The farther we go down the path of scaled agile transformation, the more we learn that adding process and complexity can only take us so far. At some point, size and complexity are going limit our ability to be truly agile, and we must move toward greater organizational simplicity. The...

Mike Cottmeyer
Collocated West Logo How Far Can You Go with Agile for Embedded Software?[presentation]

With the proliferation of IoT and consumer demand for smarter homes, appliances, automobiles, and wearables, many traditional product-based manufacturing companies are now becoming embedded software companies. This means that the design and manufacturing of physical products is becoming...

Anders Wallgren
Collocated West Logo Predictive Test Planning to Improve System Quality[presentation]

Penny McVay shares how her team approached improving the quality of a large policy-writing application for a global insurance carrier. The application has many pieces and parts, thousands of lines of code are changed monthly, and the business depends on a stable application. To mitigate...

Penny McVay
Collocated West Logo Where Is Test in DevOps?[presentation]

As organizations try to meet faster delivery schedules and improve collaboration between development and operations, DevOps has become a hot topic. So, where does testing fit into a DevOps strategy? By narrowly focusing on just Dev and Ops, the term DevOps itself ends up missing testing.

Nikhil Kaul
Collocated West Logo The Challenges of Testing a Wearable Banking Application[presentation]

In many ways, the rapidly evolving mobile banking application industry is challenging for testers. Adding a wearable device brings new challenges, new user behaviors, and untested devices. To ensure a well-tested product, what changes and adaptations do you need to make to your test approach?

Carl Johnson
Collocated West Logo Disrupting Ourselves: Moving to a “Teal Organization” Model[presentation]

In his book Reinventing Organizations, Frederic Laloux describes the “Teal Organization” model. Teal organizations have an evolutionary purpose, self-managing teams with little or no organizational hierarchy, and individuals who bring their whole person to work rather than putting on a...

Bob Payne
Collocated West Logo DevOps Is More than Just Dev and Ops: Don’t Forget Testing[presentation]

What exactly is DevOps? It’s not just Dev, and it’s not just Ops. In fact, successful DevOps implementations meld development and operations activities with agile practices and a strong dose of automated testing. Organizations cannot afford to wait for a manual testing process to do the job.

Jonah Stiennon
Collocated West Logo Use Feature Flags for Clean Deployments[presentation]

Software teams want to move faster and deliver features to end users sooner. Continuous delivery and DevOps promise to deploy quickly. However, pushing faster and deploying more often increase the risk of breaking—and subsequent downtime. Edith Harbaugh finds that a feature flagging system...

Edith Harbaugh
Collocated West Logo Using DevOps to Drive the Agile ALM[presentation]

Many organizations struggle to implement sustainable processes to drive their software and systems development work. This leaves their technology managers and teams to use whatever worked for them on the last project, often resulting in a lack of integration and poor communication and...

Bob Aiello
man speaking into megaphone Speak Up: The Key to Agile Success[article]

You can learn all the theoretical agile principles and best practices, but you still may not be agile. To be truly agile, you must also communicate and collaborate with your team—and this means speaking up. Even if you're not a natural extrovert, there are plenty of ways you can contribute during planning, sprints, and retrospectives to make your product and process better.

Brian Everett's picture Brian Everett
start, continue, and stop doing signs When Postmortems Meet Retrospectives: Improving Your Agile Process[article]

If you want secure, reliable systems, you need all stakeholders actively communicating. This means involving both IT operations and developers in discussions after deployments, to ascertain if anything went wrong and can be avoided, and what went well or could be refined. Integrating your postmortems and retrospectives facilitates collaboration and improves processes.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
person taking a piece of pie Transitioning to Enterprise Agility—and Bringing Outsourced Delivery Partners Along[article]

When companies adopt agile internally, they often forget to extend the concepts and values to their partners. You have to look at your outsourced delivery components as part of the process that needs to be included as an extended team. Collaboration, reflection, and improvement is at the heart of agile, and it should look that way from the perspective of all elements in the delivery chain.

Phil Gadzinski's picture Phil Gadzinski


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