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value highlighted in dictionary Get Smart about Your Regression Tests’ Value[article]

If you aren’t measuring the coverage your regression tests provide, you may be spending too much time for little benefit. Consider the value of your regression tests as you create and manage them. You need to be smart about the regression tests you maintain in order to gain the maximum value from the work put into creating, running, and analyzing their results.

Leanne Howard's picture Leanne Howard
Pitfalls of Developing for the IoT[magazine]

The Internet of Things (IoT) enables amazing software-powered devices designed to make our business and personal lives easier. Lev Lesokhin discusses four fundamental practices you'll need when developing sophisticated software for the IoT.

Lev Lesokhin's picture Lev Lesokhin
hands holding soil with plant The Values Essential to a Scrum Software Development Practice[article]

The Scrum Guide was updated recently to make values an explicit part of the framework: commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect. When these values are embodied and lived by the team, the Scrum pillars of transparency, inspection, and adaptation come to life and build trust for everyone. Is your team practicing them?

Ryan Ripley's picture Ryan Ripley
Building a Solid Foundation for Your DevOps Transformation[magazine]

The ability to deliver quality software with speed requires a huge shift in the way technology is managed throughout any organization. Nicole Forsgren believes that establishing the right culture is vital, especially during DevOps adoption.

Nicole Forsgren's picture Nicole Forsgren
ladder up into the clouds 4 Secrets to Successfully Scaling Agile Tech Teams[article]

There comes a time for every successful tech team to expand. But how do you scale in an agile way without losing productivity? Here are four secrets to successfully managing this transition, from deliberately choosing an incremental growth process to hiring new team members and retaining efficient communication.

Debbie Madden's picture Debbie Madden
Failure Next Exit sign How to Guarantee Failure in Your Agile DevOps Transformation[article]

Many organizations make the same agile and DevOps scaling mistakes year after year, then attempt to rectify them by putting together a great new strategy—only to miss the reasons causing the failure. If you want to refuse to evolve and, as a result, cause your organization’s agile and DevOps transformation efforts to deliver zero business value, be sure to follow these seven antipatterns.

Mik Kersten's picture Mik Kersten
circle of continuous arrows Learn Agile Techniques to Become a More Valuable Tester[article]

Agile is still on the rise, with many organizations that have been successful at the team level looking to scale their adoption. Consequently, it's important for testers to have practical application of agile techniques. You should know how to create tests to optimize maximum test coverage, have interpersonal skills, and successfully build relationships within the team.

Leanne Howard's picture Leanne Howard
Brandon Carlson What Agile and DevOps Do for Software Communities: An Interview with Brandon Carlson[interview]

In this interview, Brandon Carlson, a consultant at Lean TECHniques, explains how all the newer aspects of software have come together. He explains how things have changed since agile has grown in prominence and what DevOps does for testing and development.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
man bending over backwards Create an Agile DevOps Environment That Fosters Flexibility over Features[article]

When a company makes the move from software as a service (SaaS) to an API-first platform, a change in mindset is required. The successful transitions come from those who shift from features to flexibility. Technology teams should look to remove constraints and broaden the possibilities of their platform by constantly exploring ways to make their platform as flexible as possible.

Steve Davis's picture Steve Davis
financial graph How to Train Agile Product Owners Using Financial Terms[article]

Prioritizing stories for an upcoming sprint can lead to confusion and miscommunication between the product owner and agile teams. But putting that exercise into financial terms, such as purchase, budget, cost, and investment—a set of words that everyone understands, no matter what their area of expertise is—gets everyone thinking about value.

Kris Hatcher's picture Kris Hatcher
Collocated West Logo Experiments: The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful[presentation]

Through the years, Linda Rising has given presentations about the use of stories instead of science in the industry, so in this session she has decided to be more helpful and talk about experiments. There's an increasing emphasis on experiments as a part of being more innovative but...

Linda Rising
Collocated West Logo Determining Business Value in Agile Development[presentation]

Both agile and lean focus on delivering business value to the customers as rapidly as possible. On agile projects, story points are often used to estimate and track development effort for user stories. However, to concentrate on delivering value, we must be able to place a business value...

Ken Pugh
Collocated West Logo Continuous Integration as a Development Team’s Way of Life[presentation]

Continuous integration (CI) is a buzzword in software development today. We know it means “run lots of builds,” but having a continuous integration pipeline opens up opportunities well beyond making sure your team's code compiles. What if this pipeline could improve everything from the...

Melissa Benua
Collocated West Logo Don’t Make These Scrum Mistakes[presentation]

Scrum is a project management framework and does not specify a set of how-tos or checklists that some other development processes define. Since Scrum can be implemented in various ways, it is easy—and often common—to misinterpret Scrum’s guidelines and make mistakes while implementing it.

Sumedha Ganjoo
Collocated West Logo Identify and Exploit Behavioral Boundaries for Unit Testing[presentation]

Whether writing unit tests after coding or using test-driven development (TDD), developers often ask themselves—How much testing is enough? Or too much? Or not enough? Rob Myers helps answer these questions using the techniques from his experience doing and teaching TDD. Look for those...

Rob Myers


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