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STARCanada Logo IoT and Embedded Testing: A Roku Case Study[presentation]

With big hitters like Time Warner and HBO selectively testing Roku releases, testing these little boxes of joy is becoming more of a necessity in the IoT tester’s playbook. Join Rick Faulise as he shares the secrets of testing on a Roku device including how to get into the Roku interface...

Rick Faulise
STARCanada Logo Mindmaps: Agile and Lightweight Documentation for Testing[presentation]

Quality starts with requirements. In small to mid-size companies, it is not uncommon for the communication chain to be broken. Florin Ursu shares ways to avoid miscommunication through a streamlined process in which requirements are communicated to both developers and testers...

Florin Ursu
STARCanada Logo Accessibility Standards and Testing Techniques: Be Inclusive or Be Left Behind[presentation]

While Information and Communication Technology (ICT) accessibility for a wider spectrum of users—including the blind—and their interfaces is being required by law across more jurisdictions, testing for it remains limited, naïve, and too late. The consequences of staying ignorant include...

David Best, Sandy Feldman, and Rob Harvie
STARCanada Logo Combinatorial Black-Box Testing with Classification Trees[presentation]

A basic problem in software testing often is choosing a subset from the near infinite number of possible test cases. Consider the challenges of testing multiple browsers, multiple mobile devices, mobile applications, or use case paths. Testers must select test cases to design, create, and...

Peter M. Kruse
Deliver Your Applications with Speed, Quality, and Scale: An Interview with Silvia Siqueira[interview]

In this interview, HPE's Silvia Siqueira details how to better test your applications in the digital age. She explains how we accelerate applications to market without sacrificing quality, and tells why QA engineers and developers must embrace continuous quality by shifting left.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Balance and Flow Continuous Process Improvement Using Balance and Flow[magazine]

Finding a balance between too much and too little process can be quite a challenge. Tom Wessel shows how to apply lean change management and kaizen principles to achieve continuous process  improvement. Also, Tom suggests the use of simple metrics to verify that improvements are actually taking place.

Thomas Wessel's picture Thomas Wessel
The Reason Scrum So Often Fails Agile Teams[article]

The core of the Scrum framework for managing product development is the three key roles: ScrumMaster, product owner, and the development team. This triad is what makes Scrum so successful—when it works. However, it is the absence of these three roles that is the root cause of the majority of unsuccessful adoptions.

John Yorke's picture John Yorke
Agile icon 5 Ways Agile Testing Is Different from Traditional Testing[article]

It’s the distinctions between agile and traditional software development approaches, as well as the adaptability of testers in these very different environments, that makes agile testing different from traditional testing. Agile demands more from its testers, and, in turn, it values them more, too. Let’s look at five main things that make an agile tester’s life different from that of a traditional tester.

Nishi Grover's picture Nishi Grover
The Mindset of the Agile Developer The Mindset of the Agile Developer[magazine]

Most software development teams these days adopt an agile approach to guide projects through their lifecycle. But, according to Gil Broza, embracing popular practices is not enough. To work effectively in an agile environment, developers must change their mindset.

Gil Broza's picture Gil Broza
The Evolution of Software Monetization[magazine]

End-users are demanding anytime, anywhere access to software apps on their devices. These changes are shifting the way software vendors conduct business. Michael Zunke uses the results of industry surveys to show how software products and services should be licensed.

Michael Zunke's picture Michael Zunke
Nonfunctional Testing: Examine the Other Side of the Coin[presentation]

Creating a highly available, scalable, and high-performing system requires a substantial amount of what we call nonfunctional testing. Developing nonfunctional testing skills is a must for many of today’s quality engineers (QEs). For the past several years, Balaji Arunachalam’s quality...

Balaji Arunachalam
The Journey to Continuous Testing[presentation]

Capital One’s highly integrated environment creates many interdependencies for its agile teams. Because these dependencies were not being completed until late in their sprints, Adam Auerbach says that Capital One faced prolonged integration and regression testing phases and did not realize...

Adam Auerbach
Testing the Magic at Walt Disney Imagineering[presentation]

It takes more than faith, trust, and pixie dust to test a Disney theme park attraction. How does Walt Disney Imagineering ensure quality experiences for their guests? Janna Loeffler faced this challenge when she joined Walt Disney Imagineering (WDI). Since 2015 Janna has led the testing...

Janna Loeffler
Automated Testing: Go Beyond the Basics[presentation]

You've been through some initial automation bootstrapping and training. You're now three to six months down the road and spending too much time chasing intermittent test failures and maintaining your scripts. You're dealing with frustration and trust issues in the automated tests. What...

Jim Holmes
Transform Your Cloud Validation Strategy from Cloudy to Clear[presentation]

Security, data privacy, reliability, and regulatory compliance are critical factors when evaluating whether to move business applications from in-house, client-hosted environments to a cloud platform. Quality assurance plays a vital role in ensuring that the appropriate level of risk...

Vandana Viswanathan


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