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STARCanada Logo Sensible Test Automation[presentation]

Your boss has given you the directive to “automate everything.” So, what’s behind this? Is he expecting to reduce costs? Implement the latest silver-bullet tool that will save the company? Increase test coverage to avoid future embarrassment? How should you respond? Jerry Penner shows how...

Jerry Penner
STARCanada Logo Test Metrics in Agile: A Powerful Tool to Demonstrate Value[presentation]

Most understand that an agile development and testing approach improves quality and reduces risks in our projects. In some companies and culture however, there are skeptics. Is the move to agile—and therefore agile testing—really beneficial? Join Iuliia Zavertailo for a closer look at a...

Iuliia Zavertailo
STARCanada Logo When User Stories Are Not Enough[presentation]

IT organizations adopting agile development often struggle when applying agile to anything other than small, mid-sized, or non-critical applications. Because IT organizations must deal with the myriad business rules, non-functional requirements, industry regulations, and associated audits...

Tony Higgins
STARCanada Logo Add Security Testing Tools to Your Delivery Pipeline[presentation]

Developing a delivery pipeline means more than just adding automated deploys to the development cycle. To be successful, quality testing of all types must be incorporated throughout the process to ensure that problems aren’t slipping through. Those checks must include security, or you risk...

Gene Gotimer
STARCanada Logo Become an Influential Tester: Learn How to Be Heard[presentation]

As a tester, are you frustrated that no one listens to you? Are you finding bugs and having them ignored? Are you worried that the development process and product quality aren’t as good as they should be? Jane Fraser shares ways to help you be heard―ways to position yourself as a leader...

Jane Fraser
STARCanada Logo Continuous Testing - The New Normal[presentation]

Some notions of continuous testing (CT) have been applied in software development methodologies for a while but it was never called by that term. Another term sometimes used for CT is parallel testing. While some have mastered CT, most of us struggle with how to transform our current...

Tom Wissink
STARCanada Logo Better Together: Group Exploratory Testing[presentation]

Jeff Abshoff faced a most difficult challenge in 2015. His team size tripled, with testers of varying skill levels spread across six sites worldwide. The product was moving to a more frequent release cycle, was of poor quality, and had multiple key stakeholders. Features were incomplete...

Jeff Abshoff
STARCanada Logo Build Your Open Source Performance Testing Platform in the Cloud[presentation]

Proprietary performance testing platforms can be complex, expensive, and difficult to scale. With the right approach, everything from continuous integration, to continuous deployment pipelines, to full-scale production loads can be supported, but a dizzying array of platforms, services...

Gopal Brugalette
STARCanada Logo High-Performance Agile Testing in Software Development[presentation]

Agile testing is an approach to software testing that follows the principles of agile software development as outlined in the Agile Manifesto. Since many software development organizations are using agile development practices or transitioning to agile software development, it is very...

Sammy Kolluru
STARCanada Logo Test Design for Responsive Websites[presentation]

Websites built with responsive design come with the added testing challenge of having a single web application working across all screen sizes and many devices. So, how can you ensure your application will render correctly without testing on a huge number of smartphones, tablets, and...

Adam Rosenberg
STARCanada Logo Using Artificial Intelligence to Test the Candy Crush Saga Game[presentation]

Candy Crush Saga is one of the biggest mobile games today with more than 1000 levels of difficulty—and users continue to ask for more. When building new content, it is extremely important to make sure that the level of difficulty is balanced and that the user does not experience crashes or...

Alexander Andelkovic
STARCanada Logo Agile QA & Test: A Shift in Mindset from Finding to Preventing Bugs[presentation]

Although most software companies have adopted agile development these days, many still treat quality assurance (QA) as something that gets handled when coding is done and is “ready for test.” Use of this waterfall method to ensure quality costs teams in rework, context switching, slower...

Oscar Gracia and Todd Albers
STARCanada Logo Quality-Driven Delivery in IT[presentation]

Compromising on quality and customer experience is not an option for IT organizations anymore. To remain relevant, IT organizations and their software development arms must re-imagine how they operate, amplifying their focus on quality while accelerating time to market. Join Doug Sanders...

Douglas Sanders
STARCanada Logo How to Build a Fully Open Source Test Automation Framework[presentation]

Automated testing can be difficult, slow to implement, involve expensive and non-compatible software, and require a high level of technical expertise to use. Join Matt Joste as he presents Ryerson University's Automation Framework, put together using best-in-class open source software. 

Matt Joste
STARCanada Logo Dell’s Journey to Achieve TMMi Level 3 Certification[presentation]

The Testing Maturity Model Integration (TMMi) is a model of testing best practices that can help organizations determine whether their testing processes are complete and effective. As a complementary model to the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), TMMi addresses those issues...

Mark Keating


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