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Collocated East Logo The Past, Present, and Future of Scrum[presentation]

In the past two decades, Scrum has become the standard for agile development, used in some form today by 90 percent of agile teams. As Scrum starts its third decade, it’s not the fresh-faced process framework it once was. Yes, it has met—and dealt with—commercial, technical, philosophical...

Dave West
Collocated East Logo Conquer the Murky Waters of Test Automation[presentation]

A solid test automation implementation is key to any foray into continuous delivery. Although the test automation waters may look peaceful and pristine, anyone who has jumped in to automate testing complex systems has found the waters to be troubled and murky. Tests take too long to run...

Brian Saylor
Collocated East Logo Testing Transformation in the IoT Era[presentation]

In the next few years, when more than 20 billion devices will be connected to the Internet, many of us will be IoT testers—in one way or another. Jennifer Bonine explores new areas you will need to address in your testing, new testing skills for the IoT era, and how to innovate your...

Jennifer Bonine
Collocated East Logo Five XP Practices for Agile Development[presentation]

David Bernstein says that the core of Extreme Programming (XP) is comprised of five development practices: automating the build for continuously integrating software as it is written, collaborating with team members through pair programming, practicing agile design skills that enable...

David Bernstein
cyber thief What if Someone Steals Your Code?[magazine]

Bob Zeidman, an expert in software forensics, provides a great overview of how to protect your software from predators. You'll learn the difference between copyrights, trade secrets, and patents.

Bob Zeidman's picture Bob Zeidman
Team huddle Whole Agile Teams: Beyond Resource Efficiency[article]

Which is better for your agile team: resource efficiency or flow efficiency? It may seem better to have everyone busy 100 percent of the time, but a little extra availability in everybody's schedule allows the team to able to respond to change. We need to get beyond “I do my job, you do yours” and instead focus on what the software needs to move forward.

Matt Heusser's picture Matt Heusser
How to Use Your Data in an Agile Environment: An Interview with Larry Maccherone[interview]

In this interview, Larry Maccherone, the director of analytics and research at AgileCraft, explains how you can better use data within your software team. He digs into metrics and measurements within an agile environment and how to determine what data is valuable.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Road to success Use DevOps to Drive Your Agile ALM[magazine]

Successful DevOps operations assume that your team has the ability to adjust with constant change. To succeed at continuous integration and deployment, a comprehensive agile plan is needed. Bob Aiello and Leslie Sachs identify four critical success factors that you should employ.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello Leslie Sachs
cucumber open source tool What Is Cucumber and Why Should I Care?[magazine]

If there ever were a game changer to energize a development team, Cucumber just may be it. An open source tool, Cucumber helps in the running of automated customer acceptance tests. Matt Wynne, a cofounder of Cucumber Limited, delivers a brilliant introduction to this tool.

Matt Wynne's picture Matt Wynne
Sign: Changes Strategies for Implementing Agile in Small Organizations[article]

The experience of implementing agile in a company of thousands of employees differs widely from that of a company of hundreds. Although the risks can be greater, the rewards can be, too. If you work in a small company that is interested in transitioning to an agile workflow, consider these strategies for implementing agile in small organizations.

David Kirk's picture David Kirk David Thach
STARCanada Logo Testers in Agile Teams—Isolation or Collaboration?[presentation]

What exactly are testers doing as organizations evolve from waterfall lifecycles to iterative, incremental agile approaches? Agile transitions, rather than fostering collaboration, often lead to isolation, role confusion, and fear. Many testers are left out in the cold. Agile testers face...

Rob Sabourin
STARCanada Logo Performance Testing in Agile and DevOps Environments[presentation]

As organizations embrace agile and DevOps delivery models, non-functional performance testing becomes a challenge. While functional validation continues to mature in Agile, many organizations are either struggling to integrate application performance into the delivery model or are...

Syed Hossain
STARCanada Logo Design for Testability in Practice[presentation]

With the drive for continuous integration and delivery, the implications and approaches for designing more testable software are receiving substantial discussion and debate. What does testability really mean in practice? How do you take the idea of testability—how easy it is to test...

Nir Szilagyi
STARCanada Logo Objects vs. Images: Choosing the Right GUI Test Tool Architecture[presentation]

Most popular GUI test tools are based on an object recognition architecture. They recognize and manipulate screen objects by communicating with the underlying GUI subsystem. A new breed of tools has been introduced in the past few years that implements an image recognition architecture.

Chip Groder
STARCanada Logo Addressing the Challenges of Mobile Test Automation[presentation]

As technology continues to disrupt every industry, mobile applications are increasingly becoming a primary way to interact with customers. Mobile application test automation tools and frameworks are far from being as mature as web test automation tools. The mobile test automation space...

Pradeep Macharla


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