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Agile Isn't Enough to Deliver Exceptional Software: An Interview with Sven Peters[interview]

In this interview, Sven Peters, the lead evangelist for Atlassian, discusses whether making software has become harder. He tackles whether being agile is enough in the current landscape and questions if we're sacrificing quality for the sake of speed.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Your Professional Responsibility for Security and Performance[magazine]

It is Johanna Rothman's belief that security and performance are no longer nonfunctional requirements in modern-day software development. Instead, we must prepare to accommodate security and performance needs in all projects.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Effective Software Quality Management The Blueprint for Effective Software Quality Management: An Interview with Neeraj Tripathi[interview]

In this interview, Neeraj Tripathi, vice president of Global QA at Infor, goes over the principles of effective software quality management. He explains how to measure customer satisfaction and how active QA involvement eliminates defects early and shifts quality left.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
The Benefits of Early Performance Testing[magazine]

By incorporating performance testing early in a project lifecycle, software projects have a better chance to reach better quality and meet customer expectations. Baljeet Bilkhu shows the value of early performance testing.

Baljeet Bilkhu's picture Baljeet Bilkhu
truck overloaded and tipping Is Your Product Owner an Overloaded Operator?[article]

Overloaded operators exist when an operator or operation has different meanings in different contexts. This usually applies to variables and sets, but it can be true for people, too. These people try to do the work of many different roles—and usually fail. If you have an overloaded people operator, analyze the work and try to divide it up.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
The 4th Industrial Revolution and IoT Predictions: A Software Perspective[presentation]

IoT technology is a driving force for what some are calling the 4th Industrial Revolution—or Industry 4.0—which predicts that manufacturing as we know it will morph into something almost completely new. To support this revolution, the demand for software will grow exponentially, possibly...

Stefano Rizzo
10,000 Years in Your Pocket: The Deep History of Your Mobile Device[presentation]

We live in amazing times with amazing technology all around us. And mobile technology, delivered in iPhones and Android devices, is possibly the most amazing of all. While we designers, developers, and testers strive to make fantastic mobile apps and products, we often spend our efforts...

James Dempsey
Use the Modern Cloud to Build Mobile Apps[presentation]

What’s the secret sauce to a successful mobile product strategy? You need to stand on the shoulders of giants. There was a time when starting from the ground up meant architecting a lot of code from a low level to do basic things. Mike Benkovich explores ways you can use the latest...

Mike Benkovich
Wearables: Testing the Human Experience[presentation]

Testing wearables is fundamentally more complex than any other mobile device class. Wearables become extensions of us, so testing should focus on the total experience of the wearer—the emotional, physical and sensory reactions, including our biases and mindsets. It involves testing in the...

Gerie Owen
Integrate On-Device Test Automation into the Dev-Release Pipeline[presentation]

With the vast number of platforms and device models, testing products on mobile can be a time-consuming and costly effort. Executing test automation on actual devices is one key to achieving scale and speed. How, when, and where do we build and execute these automation scripts on real...

Danni Wu
Can Your Mobile Infrastructure Survive 1 Million Concurrent Users?[presentation]

You’re building the next killer mobile app. How do you ensure that your app is both stable and capable of near-instant data updates? Build a backend! But there’s more to building a backend than standing up a SQL server in your datacenter and calling it a day. Since different types of apps...

Melissa Benua and Siva Katir
The First Wave of IoT—Blood in the Water[presentation]

In the past two or three years the consumer market has seen the idea of the Internet of Things (IoT) go from a prediction to reality. The first wave of IoT products was largely fueled by the parallel innovation of crowdfunding, which allowed makers and early stage ideas to get off the...

Kevin Rohling
Innovations in Mobile Testing: Expanding Your Test Plan[presentation]

As organizations implement their mobile strategy, testing teams must support new technologies—while still maintaining existing systems. Melissa Tondi describes the major trends and innovations in mobile technology, usage patterns, tools, and test equipment that you should consider when...

Melissa Tondi
Gradle for Android Developers[presentation]

The new build mechanism replacing Ant for Android development is based on Gradle, the popular build tool from the Groovy ecosystem. Ken Kousen introduces you to Gradle for Android developers and shows how easy it is to integrate Gradle into Android projects. We’ll show the latest version...

Ken Kousen
Testing IoT Apps with the Cloud[presentation]

The industry move towards wearables is all the rage and taking advantage of these new devices doesn’t have to mean learning a whole new platform. For example the Microsoft Band is a multi-function wearable device that works with your smart phone to help you track heart rate, steps, calorie...

Mike Benkovich


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