STAREAST 1999 - Software Testing Conference


Defect Free and Unusable

Even the best code will fail if the end user isn't involved. Usability studies are a great way to get critical feedback. Without them, be prepared to fix your perfect code AFTER it gets into production. This presentation takes a look at the two types of usability testing and how to find the right users.

Russell Neimy, Home Account Network
Event-Based Test Generation for Distributed Systems

Examine how a fundamental test design approach can simplify both modeling and scripting. Such an approach allows test cases to be generated for testing of functionality, capacity, concurrency, and performance using various execution tools. David Carman demonstrates this approach while testing an event-based distributed call processing system.

David Carman, Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
Evolution of a Management Tool for Manual Tests

A test management tool is essential, even for manual tests, to ensure quality software. The process of finding the best tool, however, can all too often be an overwhelming task. Sarah Pagel discusses the process her company went through to find the right tool and identifies the mistakes that were made along the way.

Sarah Pagel, McHugh Software International
Exploiting a Broken Design Process

A major flaw in the way most code is designed allows you to break the code by exploiting the flaw. Learn how this "trick" can force software into a state from which it produces incorrect results. Observe live demonstrations on applying this "trick" to popular software programs and code. Discuss ways to build test automation that methodically searches for these flaws.

James Whittaker, Florida Tech, Computer Science

Five Reasons Why Your Inspection Program May Fail

We've all heard that inspection is one of the best ways to improve quality and productivity, yet in our industry, sustained consistent usage of inspection has been elusive. Why is inspection so hard to get going and still harder to keep going? There are five conditions that must be present to build and keep an inspection program.

Brian Lawrence, Coyote Valley Software
Generating Test Cases with Specification Description Language (SDL) and Message Sequence Charts (MSC)

In this case study, observe how Nortel developed an entire testing environment to test switches that meet both the International Telecommunications Union standards and their customers' requests. Learn why these comprehensive test suites, written in STEP (an internal language suitable to Nortel's test environment), require such an important effort on Nortel's part.

Ellie Cohen
Get More Out of Existing Tests

Learn how to leverage the defect-finding and confidence-building power of existing tests by inducing changes that should make no difference to results. This principle is used in "algorithmic stress modes" within InCert Software Corporation to test their own binary instrumentation tool.

Richard Schooler, InCert Software Corporation
Getting Buy-In for Acceptance Testing

Experienced testers know that acceptance testing is important, but often only the testers appear to be really concerned. Geoff Quentin draws on nearly 20 years of experience persuading management, users, and even developers that an early start to the acceptance test process is the most cost-effective way to implement testing. Learn how to identify the key issues to help you persuade managers and users to invest their time and resources in acceptance test planning and execution.

Geoff Quentin, QBIT Limited
How Testers Can Use a Software Reliability Engineering Maturity Model

If you are a novice to the process of software reliability engineering (SRE) or a seasoned practitioner trying to increase efficiency, John Musa can help you! Based upon a new format, this discussion will give you a quick summary picture of SRE, showing the relationships between the level of SRE Maturity and both the efficiency of your testing process and confidence in your product's reliability. Learn how to apply the SRE Maturity Model for self-assessment of projects.

John Musa, International Consultant
How to Get Developers to Unit Test

Test managers often lament that developers fail to thoroughly unit test their code. Bill Pearce covers techniques to sell the need for unit testing, implement guidelines and entry criteria, and reduce inter-department friction. Learn how to influence and institute changes in the development process and increase the level of unit testing by development staff.

Bill Pearce, Corbel


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