STAREAST 1999 - Software Testing Conference


How to Manage Outsource Testing within Your Project Budget

Outsourcing quality assurance testing is more expensive than hiring contractors. How, then, do you efficiently and effectively outsource? George Hamblen discusses ways to identify the correct outsource effort and how to maximize potential. Learn how to identify your outsourcing needs within your testing project.

George Hamblen, Fidelity Investments

Integrated System Testing in Dynamic Development Environment

Examine a practical example of a highly effective and efficient system testing process. Learn how several techniques are integrated in a simple strategy, and how powerful test cases are designed by manipulating specific factors such as scope, focus, and complexity. This strategy can significantly improve your ability to deliver good quality products on time.

Slobodan Dumuzliski, Vital Images
Life after Death: Testing Standards for the New Millennium

As hard as it may be for many testers to think about life after Year 2000, it will happen. Claire Lohr takes a look at the existing standards for software testing and the future evolutions, including the latest revision to IEEE standards for software testing documentation. Not only will the audience have a chance to learn of the upcoming standards, but they will also have a chance to shape them.

Claire Lohr, Lohr Systems

Life as a CMM Level 5 Test Organization

Quality, timeliness, cost-effectiveness-for years, software professionals have believed you cannot have all three. Bellcore has proven otherwise as John Romanak demonstrates in this presentation on Bellcore's approach to software quality. Learn how Bellcore's SQA Independent Testing Organization has become recognized as "best in class" and, since its implementation, has improved overall customer satisfaction from 60 percent to 95 percent.

John Romanak, Telcordia Technolgies, Inc.
Moving from Conventional to Object-Oriented Testing

Elfriede Dustin outlines the steps required for a test team to transition from traditional test methods to an object-oriented test methodology. Learn how to best make this transition by addressing several pertinent questions and issues, including a test process suited to object-oriented development.

Elfriede Dustin, Computer Sciences Corporation
Mutation Testing: A New Approach to Automatic Error-Detection

Mutation Testing is a proven and powerful method for finding errors in software programs. Adam Kolawa describes the process of Mutation Testing ("re-writing" source code) and how a new approach to this technology, creating equivalent mutants, is applied. Mutation Testing can assist your company where it matters most-the bottom line.

Adam Kolawa, ParaSoft Corporatin
Planning is the First Ingredient in the Test Recipe

This presentation focuses on test planning activities at the beginning of a project. By developing a one-page diagram to scope the test strategy and creating a reusable test planning checklist, you will be on the way to a successful test program implementation. Learn why Technical Exchange Meetings are so important and how to get buy-in from your customers.

Bruce Swahlan, Harris Information Systems
Product Risk Analysis Clarifies Requirements

Risk analysis is an established tool for identifying risk and possible controls that are needed. In addition, it can also be easily applied to products to identify missed requirements and add clarity. Discover how to apply this technique to all types of products, including system back-ups, disaster recovery, and financial applications.

Jim Kandler, Baxter Healthcare, Inc.
Security Testing for E-Commerce Applications

It seems that everyone is creating e-commerce applications these days with security being one of the greatest issues. The role of assessing security often falls to the tester, who may feel ill-prepared for the demands imposed by this new paradigm. Learn how to conduct a security assessment for e-commerce and what to look for.

Jonathan Beskin, Reliable Software Technologies
Selecting a Problem Tracking System That Suits Your Project

This presentation examines the different philosophies of the Defect Management process and guides you through the thought process of selecting a defect tracking system for your projects. Learn how these philosophical differences can translate into differences in terms of work flow. Discover how the benefits of a defect tracking system can improve software quality for less money.

Gary Pratt, SysTest Labs


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