STAREAST 1999 - Software Testing Conference


Self-Verifying Data--Validating Test Results without an Oracle

You need to test your product with millions of test records, but how do you know that your test queries have found the right information? A separate Oracle file containing the correct results would be tedious and expensive. One solution is to make the data identify itself. Using real-world, self-verifying data examples, this presentation demonstrates the basic self-verifying data technique and describes details of its implementation to test millions of records.

Noel Nyman, Microsoft
Should This Test Be Automated?

For the decision to automate a test to be a good one, the value of re-running the test must exceed the cost to automate it. People often measure value and cost in the wrong terms. In this double-track presentation, Brian Marick contends that value is not ease of execution, but the likelihood of finding future bugs. And cost is not time spent automating, but rather the manual tests that will never be run.

Brian Marick, Reliable Software Technologies
STAREAST 1999: Test Estimation

How often have you been asked the question, "When will system testing be completed?" without knowing the final scope of the functionality, when the system will be ready for testing, and what test resources are available. In this double track session, learn how to develop realistic and credible estimates. Learn why accurate estimates are a critical survival skill for test professionals and managers.

Ross Collard, Collard & Company
Stepwise Improvement of the Test Process

This presentation deals with the Test Process Improvement (TPI) Model, which is based on current state-of-the-art test process improvement practices. This model gives practical guidelines for assessing the maturity level of testing and for step-by-step improvement of the process. Martin Pol gives a general description of the application of the TPI Model, including how to implement and consolidate the improvements.

Martin Pol, IQUIP Informatica B.V.

Stress Testing Enterprise-wide SAP Applications

Based on real-life examples, this presentation examines the overall approach to stress testing an enterprise-wide global application using SAP. Learn about the objectives and scope of stress testing and how to build stress test models and design stress test scenarios. Test documentation, execution strategies, and data analysis techniques are described.

Mike Swanson, Guidant Corporation
System Integration Testing of a Large Network

Take a journey to testing on the "other" side and learn what corporate consumers go through after your product has shipped. Based on his experiences at Clorox with a team of systems integrators, Michael Bossart discusses how to ensure system stability and the seamless integration of new systems into a 5,000 node worldwide network.

Michael Brossart, Clorox
Teamwork Does Work!

USA Group's 7.8 MLOC (million lines of code) EAGLE II education loan system development project required a change in culture as well as a combination of unique methods to ensure a quality product. James Putka addresses how to implement these culture changes successfully. Learn how a single measure can change a company.

James Putka, USA Group
Test Automation for Multi-Platform Client/Server Software

This presentation takes a look at the test automation experience of two major releases of a multi-platform client/server software product. Learn about the advantages and pitfalls of full test automation. Examine ways to achieve an optimum level of test automation and discover the test tools that best minimize the drawbacks of full automation.

Heesun Park, SAS Institute Inc.
Test Coaching-- Helping Users and Developers with Early Testing

All too often, we wait to involve the testing and user groups until it is too late and quality is a dream instead of a reality. Learn some methods that proved successful for USA Group that bridged the gap between the developers and users by having "test coaches" working with both teams to bring these two worlds together. Create a "common" strategy for building a quality system early.

Shelley Auld, USA Group
Testing and Quality at FedEx: How to Add Value Throughout the Development Life Cycle

When Glenn Daily was given the task of ensuring software quality for FedEx's revenue software development, he took a new approach. The time was right for a dramatic change in the way software was developed and tested. Daily and FedEx's current CIO, Chris Hjelm, created a new department that has improved testing and quality by employing a life cycle testing approach coupled with metrics, process management, and certification checkpoints.

Glenn Daily, Federal Express


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