STAREAST 1999 - Software Testing Conference


Testing at a Web Start-up

Learn how this Web application start-up company developed an innovative testing strategy that included automated testing of its rapidly changing Web application. Using available and custom tools, tests were adapted to verify functionality, stress, load, and performance.

Brad Thompson, Commerce One
Testing Distributed Objects and Components

Distributed objects share many of the characteristics of both traditional distributed systems and object-oriented software. Their appealing flexibility, though, poses some unique testing problems. Using CORBA- and RMI-based systems, John McGregor illustrates the problems and potential faults to be found in a distributed object system. Listen as he discusses and illustrates specific test coverage criteria.

John McGregor, Software Architects
Testing Huge Systems-- Issues and Solutions

Testing very large scale computer systems involves more than simply finding defects. This presentation gives examples of "huge" systems and discusses the issues that make testing so difficult. From a case study, learn an effective strategy to approach the testing problem and observe the specific areas that might cause test projects to fail.

Howie Dow, Compaq Computer Corporation
Testing is Not a Phase

Are testing misconceptions causing you to fail? All too often, testing is viewed primarily as something done in the collapsible zone between development and release when, in truth, software testing is a true teamwork issue involving great skill and experience. Using up-to-date failure data, industry expert Les Hatton explores the integral concepts involved in creating and sustaining a superior testing system. Learn where testing efforts are best spent, the importance of the design stage, and more.

Les Hatton, Oakwood Computing
Testing Undocumented Software Under Impossible Deadlines

Years after Cem Kaner's book Testing Computer Software, it is still common to work on software projects with light documentation and very tight schedules. Cem discusses the "good enough testing" approach for dealing with these types of projects. Learn what "good enough testing" really means and how to employ the process effectively.

Cem Kaner, Ph.D., J.D.

The Problems with Test Automation

When converting manual tests to automated ones, the level of specificity increases exponentially! Even with the right tools and staff, implementation is difficult. Learn of one company's effective data strategies for automated tests and the issues they confronted. Look at the various ways that test automation can benefit the entire testing process.

Andrew Pollner, ALP International Corporation

Understanding Test Oracles

To get value from test execution, the results must be determined and evaluated. This presentation describes the dimensions and alternative approaches to results. It identifies three types of oracles and more than ten different reference functions. Listen as David Gelperin discusses design for testability issues relating to lower-cost oracles and the elements of an oracle strategy.

David Gelperin, Software Quality Engineering

Use Case Derived Test Cases

Use cases are used to specify the required functionality of an object-oriented system. Test cases that are derived from use cases take advantage of the existing specification to ensure good test coverage of the system. Discover what additional test cases are required besides the use case derived ones.

Dave Wood, Harris Corporation


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