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Variations on a Theme: Performance Testing and Functional Unit Testing[presentation]

The right types of performance tests can reveal functionality problems that would not usually be detected during unit testing.

Andre Bondi, Siemens Corporate Research
A Customer-driven Approach to Software Metrics[presentation]

In their drive to delight customers, organizations initiate testing and quality improvement programs and define metrics to measure their success.

Wenje Lai, Cisco Systems
Debunking Agile Testing Myths[presentation]

What do the Agile Manifesto and various agile development lifecycle implementations really mean for the testing profession? Extremists say they mean “no testers”; others believe it’s just “business as usual” for testers.

Geoff Horne, iSQA
Futility-based Test Automation[presentation]

Developers and other project stakeholders are paying increased attention to test automation because of its promise to speed development and reduce the costs of systems over their complete lifecycle.

Clinton Sprauve, Borland (a Micro Focus company)
Testing the System's Architecture[presentation]

The architecture is a key foundation for developing and maintaining flexible, powerful, and sustainable products and systems. Experience has shown that deficiencies in the architecture cause too many project failures.

Peter Zimmerer, Siemens AG
Grassroots Quality: Changing the Organization One Person at a Time[presentation]

Throughout its history, SAS has valued innovation and agility over formal processes. Attempts to impose corporate-wide policies have been viewed with suspicion and skepticism.

Frank Lassiter, SAS Institute Inc
Testing with Emotional Intelligence[presentation]

Our profession can have an enormous emotional impact-on others as well as on us. We're constantly dealing with fragile egos, highly charged situations, and pressured people playing a high stakes game under conditions of massive uncertainty.

Thomas McCoy, Department of FaHCSIA
Testing Embedded Software Using an Error Taxonomy[presentation]

Just like the rest of the software world, embedded software has defects. Today, embedded software is pervasive-built into automobiles, medical diagnostic devices, telephones, airplanes, spacecraft, and really almost everything.

Jon Hagar, Consultant
Requirements Based Testing on Agile Projects[presentation]

If your agile project requires documented test case specifications and automated regression testing, this session is for you.

Richard Bender, Bender RBT, Inc.
Operational Testing: Walking a Mile in the User's Boots[presentation]

Often, it is a long way from the system’s written requirements to what the end user really needs.

Gitte Ottosen, Systematic Software Engineering
Don't Be the Quality Gatekeeper: Just Hold Up the Mirror[presentation]

One of the greatest temptations of test managers and their teams is to be the quality gatekeeper-the ones who raise the gate when testing reveals little and keep it closed when they believe that defects (found and unfound) risk the project.

Mfundo Nkosi, Micro to Mainframe
Patterns for Test Asset Reusability[presentation]

Typically, testers write a test case for the one component and sub-system they are testing, thus limiting its value. What if you could repurpose and reuse previously developed test assets across several components and sub-systems?

Vishal Chowdhary, Microsoft Corporation
The Power of the Crowd: Mobile Testing for Scale and Global Coverage[presentation]

Crowdsourced testing of mobile applications, a middle ground between in-house and outsourced testing, has many advantages: scale, speed, coverage, lower capital costs, reduced staffing costs, and no long-term commitments.

John Carpenter, Mob4Hire, Inc.
Agile Testing: Facing the Challenges Beyond the Easy Contexts[presentation]

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise-doing testing well on agile teams is hard work! First, you have to get management over the misconception that you don't need specialist testers within agile teams.

Bob Galen, iContact
Testing Dialogues: Automation Issues[presentation]

What problems are you facing in test automation right now? Just getting started? Trying to choose the right tool set? Working to convince executive managers of the value of automation? Dealing with excessive maintenance of scripts?

Dorothy Graham, Consultant


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