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Performance Testing Web Applications with OpenSTA[presentation]

OpenSTA is a solid open-source testing tool that, when used effectively, fulfills the basic needs of performance testing of Web applications.

Dan Downing, Mentora Inc
Stop Finding Bugs, Start Building Quality[presentation]

Many testers believe that their job is to find bugs. While finding bugs is indeed an important aspect of testing, detecting bugs earlier or preventing them from ever occurring has a far greater impact on improving software quality.

Alan Page, Microsoft Corporation
Mistakes Outsourcing Customers Make[presentation]

Ten years of experience with test outsourcing at Polteq Lucent Technologies has shown that it can be successful. However, on the way to success, many-and sometimes painful-lessons were learned.

Kees Blokland, POLTEQ IT Services BV
Gain Control over Chaotic Development Projects[presentation]

Testers are frequently assigned to projects in which applications are undergoing major modifications, yet documentation may be incomplete, wrong, or non-existent.

Dennis Tagliabue, Dell
Recruiting, Hiring, and Retaining Great Testers[presentation]

Hiring great testers is the single biggest challenge that test managers face. Unfortunately the number of experienced testers is dwindling while the number of testers with weak skill sets is proliferating.

Krishna Iyer, ZenTEST Labs
Will Your SOA Systems Work in the Real World?[presentation]

The fundamental promise of Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and Web services demands consistent and reliable interoperability.

Jacques Durand, Fujitsu Software Corporation
The Great Testers of our Time and Times Past[presentation]

What can today's software testers learn from present and past testing masters, many of whom have put their own lives on the line to make amazing contributions to the world in which we live?

Clive Bates, Grove Consultants
Top Ten Reasons Test Automation Projects Fail[presentation]

Test automation is the perennial "hot topic" for many test managers. The promises of automation are many; however, many test automation initiatives fail to achieve those promises.

Shrinivas Kulkarni, iGATE Global Solutions
Essential Regression Testing[presentation]

You are responsible for testing application releases, and the demand for quality is high. You must ensure that new functionality is adequately tested and that existing functionality is not negatively impacted when applications are modified.

Deakon Provost, State Farm Insurance
From Start Up to World Class Testing[presentation]

So you have been asked to start or improve a testing group within your organization. Where do you start? What services should you provide? Who are the right people for the job?

Iris Trout, Bloomberg, lp
A Unique Testing Approach for SOA Systems[presentation]

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) systems most often use services that are shared across different applications. Some services may even be supplied by third-parties, outside the direct control of a project, system, or organization.

Ed Horst, Amberpoint
STAREAST 2007: The Nine Forgettings[presentation]

People forget things. Simple things like keys and passwords and the names of friends long ago. People forget more important things like passports and anniversaries and backing up data.

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Verification Points for Better Testing Efficiency[presentation]

More then one-third of all testing time is spent verifying test results-determining if the actual result matches the expected result within some pre-determined tolerance.

Dani Almog, Amdocs Inc
When There is Too Much to Test: Ask Pareto for Help[presentation]

Preventing defects has been our goal for years, but the changing technology landscape-architectures, languages, operating systems, data bases, Web standards, software releases, service packs, and patches-makes perfection impossible to reach.

Claire Caudry, Perceptive Software
How to Fake a Test Project[presentation]

It has never been easier to fool your manager into thinking that you're doing a great job testing! James Bach covers all of today's most respected test fakery.

James Bach, Satisfice Inc


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