People & Teams
Better Software Magazine Articles
From Curmudgeon to Kanban It didn't take long for Stacia Viscardi to realize that as effective as agile can be, a plan-driven mindset may not be the best approach for every project or every team. Breaking the rules and embracing whatever it takes to motivate the team to get a project to doneness—and delighting the customer along the way—is a much better approach, even if it means breaking away from fixed iterations. |
How to Prepare for ISTQB Exam In this FAQ column, Michael Sowers provides advice on preparing for the ISTQB Advanced Level Test Manager Certification Exam. |
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Painful Lessons I Learned from Bootstrapping a Startup If you are considering leaving the nest to self-fund your own endeavor, you may want to read about Mike Botsko's experience creating a cloud-based, bug-tracking app called Snowy Evening. What started out as a lot of fun quickly turned into a tough journey. Don't worry—it has a happy ending! |
Motivating Teams In a Self-Organizing Environment A key characteristic of agile is that a team self-organizes to best fit the workload. This, according to Maria Matarelli, can be more difficult than the more traditional approach of a project manager simply telling the team what to do. |
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Being Agile, Even if My Organization Isn't Many of us work for organizations that claim adherence to agility, yet in practice aren't even close. Agile is definitely here to stay, and if you haven't caught the wave, it is only a matter of time before you do. Brian Rabon presents insightful techniques that can help you become more agile now. |
Scrum or Kanban—Which Is Better? In this FAQ column, Arlen Bankston defines the roles of Scrum and kanban and describes how the two agile methodologies can be complementary, each ideal for different situations, or blended to achieve the desired outcome. |
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Are You Done or Done-Done? Probably one of the most frustrating roles a manager has to master is how to know the true status of work being performed. To a developer, completing 80 percent of the work may be good enough, but is it even close to being really done? Masha Nehme shows techniques you can use to verify task completion. |
Overcoming Challenges That Impact Product Delivery Eric Winquist has considerable experience not only leading his company but also consulting with development teams. His advice to “link people to the work” is one of many golden nuggets of information that will help your team deliver projects on time. |
Leverage the Power You Don't Know You Have Being technically gifted and performing great work may not be enough when you consider a large part of your job is getting others to collaborate with you. Bob McGannon gives some simple ways you can present yourself and your views that can result in greater job satisfaction and career success. |
Chasing Mavericks: Using Rolling Wave Planning to Transform Agile Teams By using an approach similar to that used by surfers to catch waves, you can effectively help your team transition to agility. Scott presents a four-stage process that alternates training with coaching and doing with learning. |
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