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Pairwise Testing Comes of Age[presentation]

You've heard of orthogonal arrays and pairwise testing. Perhaps you've used a pairwise test case generator tool. Have you ever wondered where these popular and powerful techniques originated?

George Sherwood,
Client-Side Attacks: The New Vulnerability[presentation]

Historically, we have focused on server-side security vulnerabilities rather than their client-side counterparts.

Matt Fisher, Hewlett-Packard
STAREAST 2008: Telling Your Exploratory Story[presentation]

What do you say when your manager asks you, "How did it go today?" If you have a pile of test cases on your desk, it may be acceptable for you to say, "I ran x% of these tests today," or "I'll be finished with this stack in y days at the rate

Jon Bach, Quardev, Inc.
Test Strategies for the Modern Distributed World[presentation]

Enterprise application development is quickly evolving with SOA and Web 2.0 taking center stage. Organizational structures are changing, with growing numbers of testing teams employing offshore resources.

Dan Koloski, Empirix
Optimize Your Testing with Virtual Test Lab Automation[presentation]

The complex nature of software development often requires testing on multiple hardware platforms, operating systems, Web and application servers, and databases.

Brad Johnson, Borland - The Open ALM Company
Avoid Preformance Testing Data Deception[presentation]

Don't be fooled by your performance test results. Performance testing can easily generate an unwieldy amount of data-some relevant and some not.

Ben Simo, Standard & Poor's
STAREAST 2008: Seven Habits of Highly Effective Automation Testers[presentation]

In many organizations, test automation is becoming a specialized career path.

Mukesh Mulchandani, ZenTEST Labs
STAREAST 2008: Understanding Test Coverage[presentation]

Test coverage of application functionality is often poorly understood and always hard to measure. If they do it at all, many testers express coverage in terms of numbers, as a percentage or proportion-but a percentage of what?

Michael Bolton, DevelopSense
Learning From the Past: Leveraging Defect Data[presentation]

If test improvement activities are to be successful, we must convince management that our efforts are focused on areas with significant payback opportunities.

Brian Robinson, ABB Inc.
Preformance Testing in Enterprise Application Environments[presentation]

As systems become more complex--serving the enterprise and implemented on the Web and across the Internet-performance testing is becoming more important and more difficult.

David Chadwick, IBM
For Success, Build Record/Playback into Your Application[presentation]

Stories about failed attempts to automate functional testing are very easy to find and have given the record/playback style test automation a black eye.

Gerard Meszaros, ClearStream Consulting
Monty Python's Flying Test Lab[presentation]

And now for something completely different ... Monty Python's Flying Circus revolutionized comedy and brought zany British humor to a world-wide audience.

Robert Sabourin, Inc
The ROI of Testing[presentation]

In today's competitive business environment, corporations need and demand a good return on investment (ROI) for everything they do-and testing is no exception.

Shaun Bradshaw, Questcon Technologies, A Division of Howard Systems Intl.
Today's Top Ten Controversies in Testing[presentation]

Having been in the IT industry for thirty years, Lloyd Roden believes that we often adopt behaviors even though there is little evidence that they are correct or beneficial.

Lloyd Roden, Grove Consultants
GUI Testing for Multi-language Applications[presentation]

An analysis of defect reports on several multi-language projects demonstrated that, for localization, almost 80% of the bugs were cosmetic issues.

Marco Torres, Citrix Systems Japan R&D


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